Chapter 33

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Evelyn's POV

I smiled as I walked back into my house. I plopped myself onto my couch and looked around with a goofy grin. Niall likes me. I continued on smiling when I heard the door slam shut and feet padded across the hardwood flooring. I titled my head back to see a pair of green eyes bore into my brown eyes. I rolled my eyes and looked away. I felt the couch sink when Harry sat down.

"Evelyn." He said in a stern voice. I focused my attention back onto Harry.

"Yes?" I asked innocently. His eyes stared into my own.

"I like you." I felt my body tense up as he continued looking into my eyes. I looked away while biting my lip.

"But, I like Niall. I am sorry, Harry." I said quietly.

"Evelyn, I understand that but don't you like me? At least a little bit?" He asked, pleading for an answer. I looked at him with a stern look.

"No." I said. He continued looking into my eyes as I tried to avoid his gaze but his shocking green eyes just captured my attention. I saw him leaning in closer. I continued on staring into his eyes. He fluttered his eyes closed. I let my eyelids close as I pictured his green eyes. I felt soft lips reach my own. I jerked back as I realized what just happened. I turned my head to see a red faced Niall. He turned on his heel before I could even say anything.

"Niall!" I shouted out to him. I looked at Harry, hoping he could help me in this mess. I saw a smirk plastered on his face.

"Seems to me that you like me too." He said in a cocky voice.

"You selfish, cocky, fucking, motherfucking, bastard." I shouted at Harry. I heard gasps. I turned around and saw everyone with their jaws agape.

"Evelyn cussed?" Louis asked.

"Yep." I nodded.

"Why are you cussing at Harry though?" Liam asked. Harry shrugged. I went up to Harry and slapped him across the face. He stumbled back as he looked at me. I rolled my eyes and looked back at everyone. Michael looked at me with a curious look on his face. I shook my head and walked past everyone. I grabbed my keys and rushed out the door. I thought of every possible place there could be. I decided to go check the one place I could think of. I pulled into the parking lot of the mall. I looked around as I stepped in. I decided to go past a couple of stores and into the pretzel store. I looked around and walked up to the counter and got myself a pretzel. As I waited, I looked around and saw two blondes making out. I squinted my eyes and looked away.

"PDA." I whispered under my breath. I froze in my spot and looked back at the two teens making out and saw the same familiar blonde hair. Scarlett. I rolled my eyes once again and turned my back to the two and received my pretzel. I turned back around and saw blue eyes. I froze as I stared at the familiar face. I looked at Scarlett then back at Niall.

"Hey, Evelyn." He said in a cold voice.

"Your an asshole." I said as I turned on my heel and walked out. I rushed out of the mall and to my car. I slammed the door shut and looked at my pretzel. I looked at the cheese that was in a small cup and dipped the pretzel in the cheese and stuffed the food in my mouth. Once I finished eating, I looked in my rear view mirror and saw my face was covered in cheese. If only Alice was here, she would have made fun of me. I smiled as I thought of Alice laughing at me. I grabbed the napkin and wiped the cheese off. I started the car and turned up the volume. I plugged in my phone and blared the music through the speakers. I pulled out from the parking lot and started belching out the lyrics. I continued listening to my song as I heard Krewella come on. I had my hand up in a fist as I pumped it in the air. I pulled it into the driveway and saw an unfamiliar car. I quirked up an eyebrow as I turned off my car and walked into the house. I froze when I saw something I did not want to see.

Heyyy, its Katie. How was the chapter? :>  Hoped you liked the song. Ehehehe. Vote, comment, and follow. I mean Hollywood Undead won't kill you because you didn't do any of the following but I could be wrong. Keep on turtling. Smile everyday.

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