Chapter 2

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*Alice's POV*

        Punch, Slide, Slide, and Kick.

        I slowly removed my boxing gloves and listened to my heartbeat. My heart was racing and my breathing was outrageously fast. 

        With every passing second my heart slowed it's rapid pace into a steady, healthy and calm beat.

        Feeling the sweat prickles drip down my face I walked out of my father's room into the bath room and grabbed and soft and plush towel.

        I waltzed over to the sink and twisted the cold tab on it forward. I extended the towel under the faucet and let the cold water sprinkle on the dry towel.

        After, I soaked the towel I dabbed the coldness on my sweaty forehead. When I turned the tab of it went off with a low pitched squeack. It reminded me of how my dad needed to fix things around this piece of dump. 

        While I was wondering about I heard a ringtone. Beavis and Butthead to be exact. And, I knew it could only be the one and only Evelyn Moon.

        Evelyn: Hey, are you home?

        Alice: Yea why?

        Evelyn: Can you come over?

        Alice: I'll be right over

        Evelyn: See you later then

        Alice: Byaa

        I ran, literally ran, across the hallway and into my bedroom and shut my door. I was looking for my clothes and other possessions and gathered them into my, My Little Pony bookbag.

I was getting ready to open my door but I heared the hinges on the front door squeak open and slam shut. Shit! My dad is home!

        I frantically looked around my room and spotted my getaway. The Window. 

        I quickly sauntered over to the window that I shall call a god and looked at my door once again to see if my dad was on my trail. Clear. 

        When I opened the window it let out an outragous squeal from the wood grinding together. I felt my soul leave my body at that point and slowly turned my head to see something I didn't want to see.

        My dad's shadow was clear to see under the crack in my wooden door and I seen it get unbearably closer to my space. With another squeal my doorknob turned in what I swear was slow motion, it was turned.

        Soon, with the door opened reaveled my body hovering in front of my old, torn up window. While also it reaveled my dad with messy and red eyes standing before my very own eyes. 

        I quickly ripped open my rusty window open and lifted one leg atfer the other same with my arms. When, I was trying to get my head out my father snatched my long ponytail and I was hanging by my arms and hair from getting to Evelyn's house. 

        I reapetily slapped his hand but it wasn't working. So, I used my upper body and pushed my body upwards and bit his finger. He realesed me with a yelp and my body slammed onto the glassy ground.

        I quickly found my footing and sprinted into my baby blue Jeep Wrangler and leaped into it. I quickly drove down the turns and parked into her parking lot.

        Before, I got out I turned off the ignition and grabbed my bag then threw my car keys into it. the keys landed with a,'click.' 

        I slowly appoached her front door and rang the doorbell. I impaitentaly waited at the 'Welcome' rug and stood there.

        I couldn't stand waiting any longer and started ringing the doorbell reapetadly until someone opened the door with great force.

        I stood there with a look on my face and she just mimicked me. Slowly, we both started laughing then we started walking down to her room. We looked at each other with a knowing glance, then I dug in my bag with my tongue sticking out towards the side then gasp it.

        "Is this what you are looking for?" 


        Okay you Norwhals!!! It's Mackenzie I just wanted to say thanks for reading this book me and Katie are taking our oh so sweet time on=^). It means a lot to us that you guys will do this. Please vote, comment, and follow us!!! Alrighy then, Byaaa!!! I'm tired!!!

        =^)- Smiley Faces Are Cuter With A Nose!!!


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