Chapter 3

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Evelyn's POV

I wiped away the shimmering tears. I wish Alice could get here as soon as possible. I ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I looked around and saw sissors. I looked away from the sissors. 'Not today' I thought. I turned the sink on and ran it with cold water. I made a puddle in both of my hands. I splashed myself and felt the coldness take over my heating face. I felt the knot in my throat vanish away. I looked in the mirror and saw my make-up was gone. 'I need to put on some make-up so Alice doesn't notice that I have been crying' I thought to myself. I started putting on my usual make-up. Mascara and eyeliner. I put on some blush because my cheeks were red. I walked out of the bathroom and stood in front of the bathroom. I turned around and looked in the mirror. I saw a strange looking girl looking back at me with the same expression. She looked fake. I decided to see if a smile would help. Instead, the smile made the strange looking girl look even more fake. I shook the feeling off and tried to make myself more realistic. I stepped away from the bathroom trying to make myself go back into my comfort zone. I started talking to myself.

"I need to work on making it feel like I am trying to hold on." I started arguing with myself. I walked downstairs and then I heard the doorbell ring. 'Oh my god. I just got down here' I thought. I slowly stepped on each step. I heard the doorbell go off so many times that I lost count. I got to the door. I looked at the door and took a deep breath. I opened the door and started mimicking her. We both started laughing at each other. I lead her down the stairs. We got into the room and she started digging in her bag. She stuck her tongue out to the side.

"Is this what you are looking for?" I looked at her hand and saw my favorite game. The Sims 3 Pets. I tore it from her hand and shot after my Xbox. I put in the game and grabbed my controller. I handed the controller to her. She gave me a confused look.

"What?" I looked at her.

"You painted your controller?" She looked at me with a smirk.

"Duh, it was too lame. I needed to spice it up a bit. Is that a problem?" I gave her a smile. I tried to look innocent.

"Your weird." She chuckled a bit.

"Says the one who watches My Little Pony." I started smirking.

"Hold up, you have crossed the line. You can judge anything about me but My Little Pony is the best." She started getting all offensive. I rolled my eyes at her. She mimicked me by rolling her eyes right back. I started laughing at her. She joined in. Our laughs started to fall into rythm. We filled the empty house with our rhythmic laughs. We started playing the game when I got hungry.

"Are you hungry?" I looked at her and watching the game out of the corner of my eyes.

"Nah, I'm good." She didn't even bother to look at me.

"Are you sure? Do you want something to drink?" I asked.

"Yea, I'm sure. I will take some water or orange juice if you have some." She still didn't look at me. I nodded even though she didn't even pay attention. I could tell she was into the game. I walked up the stairs and grabbed a bag of chips. I got a plastic bowl and poured some chips in there. I got out two cups and poured orange juice for Alice and water for myself. I managed not to drop anything down the stairs. I placed the cups on the table and walked in front of Alice to take my seat. "Move out of the way." She started smirking. I gave her a playful glare as I sat down. We kept on playing the game. Two hours has passed by. "I gotta head out." I looked at her.

"Okay." I nodded and started following her up the stairs. We were on the last step when I heard a door open and footsteps across the floor. Alice looked at me not knowing what to do.

"Evelyn, are you home?"

Hey, its Katie here. How is the book so far? Hope you like it. Keep on turtling. Smile everyday.

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