Chapter 19

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Evelyn's POV

I looked between poodle boy and my best friend. Harry looked at Alice then he looked at Michael. I started to giggle but stopped when everyone looked at me.

"Its not funny." I said while holding back a smile. I straightened up and looked back at Alice. She gave me a weird look. I heard Harry sigh.

"Alice, you must do 7 minutes in heaven with Michael." I felt my jaw drop as Alice and Michael shot straight up, shrugging. They walked into the closet and closed the door behind them. Harry smirked. 

"What do you have in mind?" Luke asked. He looked at the door and noticed that the lock was on the outside. He got up and locked the door. 

"Harry." I warned. He shrugged. Calum and Ashton looked at each other. I looked at the both of them. They shrugged at me.

"What shall we talk about?" Louis asked. Zayn looked at me with a questioning look.

"Evelyn, where is your dad?" I looked at Zayn and frowned.

"He got killed." The guys looked at me with sympathy.

"Oh, I am-" I stopped Zayn in mid-sentence.

"I don't need your sympathy." Zayn shifted his eyes towards the ground. "I am sorry for snapping." I said sincerely.

"So, Niall. What do you think of Alice?" Harry asked with a small smirk.

"Shes nice." Niall mumbled. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my notifications.

"Any other girls on your mind?" Harry asked. I looked up at Harry and saw a wide smirk on his face. I looked over at Niall and saw his eyes meet mine. Niall looked back down and smiled softly.

"Yes." Niall said softly. Harry edged closer.

"Who is it?" asked Harry with suspicion rising in his voice. I looked back at my phone and started to freak out.

"Evelyn." I jumped up and started squealing. All of the guys flinched.

"Are you fangirling because Niall said that you are on his mind." I stopped jumping up and down and looked at the guys. I felt my face grow red and looked at Niall. His face looked like a lobster.

"Well, no. But I am fangirling because Katy Perry liked our cover." I said excitedly.

"Who is 'our cover'" Louis asked with confusion hidden in his voice.

"Alice and me." I said excitedly.

"Did you say cover?" I nodded at Luke's question with my shoulders shaking from excitement.

"So you and Alice can sing?" I nodded at Liam.

"What is the song called?" I looked down at Ashton like he was crazy.

"Like I would tell you guys." The guys groaned and whined.

"Come on. It can't be that bad especially if Katy Perry liked it." I shook my head, not telling them.

"Fine, we will find it ourselves. "I felt my phone buzzed and I looked down at it. I started jumping up and down, screaming. I ran to the door and unlocked it. I swung the door open and dragged out my friend. I saw a boy with colorful hair in front of my face.

"I don't want you." I shoved him back in the closet and dragged Alice out. Alice came out laughing and pointing at Michael. I pushed her in front of me and shoved my phone in her face. She read the message quickly then started squealing along with me. We jumped around in circles screaming at each other. The guys looked at us like that is nothing.

"What will this mean?" I shook my head, not really knowing. We looked over at the guys and saw them on Niall's phone watching something. Alice and I leaned over to what they were watching.

"Turn that off."


What do you guys think? Hoped you liked it. Comment, vote, and follow. Like I said before, you won't die for not but I could be wrong. :)

Keep on turtling. Smile everyday.


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