.Chapter 22.

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*Alice's Pov*
I could feel the redness of rage sweep over my cheeks, swiping over my ears. I looked down at Luke and helped him up first before I did anything. I stomped right over to where they were lying down at together. I could see Michael's frightened face then he looked at Evelyn. I looked at Evelyn, she looked calm, like she wasn't doing anything wrong. I stormed passed Louis were he was currently standing. When I passed Liam, he told me to calm down to hear what happened first.I ignored the command that was given by Liam. I couldn't hear anything except for my rage screaming in my ears. Rattling through my ears drums, faintly, I could hear someone begging me to stop. My vision was so blury I could barely see anything. But, I could make out that Evelyn's face had a challenging look across it. I finally charged to them, but I felt someone jump in front of me. Arms were wrapped around me, and someone was petting my hair. "Alice, its okay. Its alright, I have you. Its just me," I heard someone repeating. My knees became weak, when I began to calm down. Luke picked me up and asked if I wanted to go. Michael's face was being worshipped I'm sadness, while Luke picked me up carefully, bridle style.
"Do you want to get your bag you brought?" Luke questioned me softly. I shook my head, 'no' In the crook of his neck. He walked carefully over to Liam and asked him if he would drive. As we walked away from the crowd, Michael tried to stand up, but Evelyn just shoved him right back down. Liam took the keys and unlocked the doors to my Jeep. He opened the passenger side back seat so Luke and I could climb into the seat. Luke carefully slid into the seat with ease and leaned against the door, then I was rested between his legs and my head in his neck.
"Is she okay, now?" I heard Liam sofly ask from the front seat. Luke ran his fingers through my hair repeatedly while I just sat there with bloodshot eyes, staring straight ahead.
"She's okay, I guess," He replied to Liam. I could see from the corner of my eye Liam nodding his head and looking out the window. I looked up at Luke with a sniffle. His eyes meet mine and I put my hands on his chest.
"Do you think Evelyn and Michael have been dating this whole time, Luke?" I asked him. He looked at me with sadness, and brushed my hair behind my ear. He gave a soft smile and looked at me gently.
"I'm not really sure, to be honest. They could be, but they might not," Luke answered. Although he was being honest, it kind of hurt knowing my best friend might be dating a guy I've liked for a long time.
"I mean its not a big deal, right? Michael and I never even liked each other, apparently. And, Evelyn and I obviously aren't really friends," I muttered to him, trying to keep this a conversation with Luke and I. He looked down at me and cuddled me.
"You're upset, Alice. You don't mean anything you're saying, so please stop," He told me in a hushed tone. I nodded my head and placed my arms around his neck. He started to lightly rub patterns onto my legs, back, and arms. His voice was humming a gentle tune, making me sleepy. His body was giving off heat, making my eyes drop shut occasionally. "We're at your house," he told me. We looked up at the house with longing faces. He slid me out and told Liam to go ahead and take his car that wasn't to far away from my house. Liam nodded his head, he wasn't faded at all about walking to Luke's house and taking his car. Luke called Louis and told them I was fine. I could hear a sign of relief from Louis that I was surprised of. They hung up about a couple seconds later, and Luke walked up beside me. I looked at the door knob that looked like a jig-saw puzzle to me right now. I felt so lost and hurt. The feeling has disappeared for a little bit out of my life, but now it hit harder then it ever could. The feeling was like a thousands and thousands of bricks being thrown at you, but worse.
"Are you leaving, Luke?" I asked him turning a little. He gazed at me and grabbed the key from the top of the door frame, then opened the door.
"What kind of person would I be if I did that? Of course not, Alice!" He said walking along side me. I walked him straight into the bedroom with a very faint smile and fell onto my on the bed. Luke slammed down with a plopping sound left to me with a wicked grin.
"I'm so tired," I said, dragging out every syllable. He giggled and pulled me close to his chest. I wrapped my arms around his neck, once again. We both sat and looked into each others eyes until...
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Love you, Nortles,

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