.Chapter 8.

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*Alice's Pov*

I heard a door slam shut, and I curled tighter into my blankets. I could feel the blanket curl around my body and take its shape. A door squeak made itself present through my ears, making my eyes close a little more tighter then they should normally. The presence got closer, casting a shadow over my body. I knew they were to the side of me, they were blocking the only window I had in my bedroom. The person's leg came into contact and brushed past my arm, making my heart beat increasing. My heart was pounding against my ribcage at high speeds. My breath was held, so they couldn't see me. A hand rested on my shoulder and my body became as stiff as steel. The hand shook my body, rapidly. I heard a quiet sigh and felt a tug of the covers. I heard a silent shift in someone's stance.

"Oh my god!" I heard a rough voice exclaim. I shot up recognizing the voice, immediately. My face became heated when I seen Michael turned around facing my door with my blanket thrown on the floor. When I looked down I remembered that I only had a black tank-top on and a pair of Batman underwear on. After the noises of me moving around I seen him cover eyes eyes and shake his head. "I'm sorry, I didn't know that is what you were wearing," He muttered loud enough to where I could hear him faintly.

"Michael, can you step outside for a moment?' I asked. My voice was weak with embarrassment. I heard an ashamed, 'yes' muttered, then he walked out of the room.

I walked up to the door and switched the lock from unlock to locked. Picking up my blanket, I thought about what to wear. When I walked step by step to my closet, I decided on a black tank top that read 'Over My Dead Body' in white letters, a pair of black high waist shorts with white buttons trailing up along the sides, white bow tie sandals, and a pair of ying-yang earrings. I walked out of the room to see Michael slouched on the door frame waiting for me. Before he said anything, I walked into the bathroom. I began to brush my teeth, but my hair kept on falling in front of my face. I heard footsteps come up behind me, and a mass of hair was picked off of my shoulders. I grinned then Michael started laughing at me, because the toothpaste began dripping out of my mouth.

"Close that thing," Michael said laughing out. I started laughing making the toothpaste go, everywhere. He took all of my hair in one hand and grabbed a hand towel. "Here, clean that up so we can go," He told me handing me the red fluffy hand towel. I reached around and grasped the fluffy material and dabbed my mouth. Michael let my hair go and placed it trailing down my back. He walked out so I could finish up real quick. I picked up my liquid eye liner and gave me thin wings around my eye. Then I took my white eyeshadow and put a light application onto my eyelid. After that, I put a light coat of mascara on. I finished it of with medium red lipstick. "Are you almost ready?" Michael asked down the hallway.

"Yeah, I'm done!" I yelled back. I smacked my lips together once more then walked outside of the bathroom shutting off the lights. I shut the door and met up with Michael outside the hallway. "So, where exactly are we going? All you told me last night was to wear something casual, yet nice and you'll pick me up at two. Wow, I slept 'till two?" I asked him, shocked.

"Actually, you woke up at about 2:47, because you wouldn't wake up," He told me. I felt so accomplished, I took my arm to pat my self on the back, but he grabbed it. "Don't pat yourself on the back, there's not really a point," Michael said laughing. I huffed and walked towards the door. "So, now you want to leave?"

"Yes, lets go," I said. I looked to the side of me to see him walking next to me. "Where are we going, Michael?" I asked. I looked up at him while he looked down at me with that smirk of his.

"My friend, that's for me to know and you to find out," He told me with a light chuckle. "I'll race you to my car ready, on your marks, get set, GO!" He screamed and took of sprinting down the road to his car. When he turned around to not see me behind him he looked back up at the house. "Come on, Alice, lets go!" He yelled from the other end of the street.

I began to smirk and his body dropped down. "No, not until you tell me where we're going!" I shouted down to him. He stepped forward and smiled really big.

"So, you want to played like that?" He asked. When he looked pack up I had my poker face on and I huffed. "Okay, then," He mumbled. In a flash of an eye, Michael was charging down the end of the sidewalk. His black combat boots we smacking against the pavement into the grass. I started to crunch my face up and I put my hands over my eyes waiting for the painful collision. I heard the stomp on the porch, and two hands on my waist. I snapped my eyes open to see Michael smiling, then to think he was being sweet, he threw me over his shoulder. His laugh filled the air when my face collided with his butt. I hurried up and put my hands on his back to push me off of him. I looked over at my neighbor, Betsy, laughing and waving at me. "Sorry to break it to you Alice, but I've had some pretty bad gas for these last couple days," When those words left his mouth I had a serious a straight face before yelling at Betsy to help me. She just laughed and laughed the whole time we pulled out of the driveway.


Hey, it's Mackenzie! Hope you love this! Please leave a comment, vote, or follow us!

Love ya's

-Mackenzie! :^)

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