Chapter 27

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Evelyn's POV

Alex kept his arms wrapped around me. I heard the door open and closed. I tried to look at the door but the two arms squeezed me tighter.

"Don't ruin the moment." I heard Alex mutter as his chest vibrated. I rolled my eyes and hugged him back. He finally unwrapped his arms and ruffled my hair. I grinned at my freakishly tall brother. I so glad we were able to mend our relationship. I turned and saw Alice's jaw drop to the ground at the sight of my brother. Then she set her lips in a firm line.


"Alice." Alex said with a nod. She grimaced in disgust.

"What are you doing here?" Alex looked at me then looked back at Alice.

"I came to check up on my baby sister." I looked at the ground, rocking my heels back and forth. I could feel the tension that was growing.

"Since when did you care for Eve?" I looked back at Alice as she called me by my nickname. I looked in her eyes with hope filling mine. She looked back at Alex.

"I have always cared for her. I just never showed it." I nodded my head at Alex. He never did show a sign that he cared for me ever since our father passed.

"Mhmm." Alice said as she looked away. She crossed her arms over her chest. I heard her huff a little. I giggled lightly, causing attention to turn on me. I looked at the audience then felt my face flush. Alice looked at me with a questioning look. I walked up and pinched her cheeks.

"You look so cute when you pout." She swatted at my hands then huffed once more.

"I was not pouting."

"Was to."

"Was not."

"Was to."

"Was not." Our voices soon rose as we continued to 'argue'.

"Knock it off, children." I heard Louis snap. Alice and I looked at each other and laughed. I held out a hand as Alice looked at it.

"Friends?" I asked. Alice took my hand then pulled me into a hug.

"Friends." She mumbled in the hug. I smiled with my eyes closed. She pulled away giving me a reassuring smile. I felt joy course through my veins.

"Aw. Now that is true friendship." I heard Louis say in a girly voice. I gave him a confused look. He just gave me a sassy wave. I rolled my eyes and laughed. Alice soon laughed along. Then came the silence. I swear I heard a cricket. I soon bust out laughing at the silence. I slapping my knee while laughing. I had tears streaming down my face. Alice soon joined in the laughing, also having tears stream down her face. Everyone gave us a questioning look then chuckled. Alice and I fell to the floor, rolling and laughing. Once we were done, we both had our hands on our stomachs that were aching.

"I think my 6 pack abs are coming in." I heard Alice say aloud.

"You mean 6 pack flabs." I said with a light giggle. Alice laughed as I laughed along. We both groaned and grabbed our stomachs.

"I don't think I will be able to laugh ever again." I nodded in agreement. We both looked at each other.

"Lets try not to fight again." I said that was only audible for Alice to hear. She nodded.

"Lets try." She said in agreement. I took her words seriously. I hated fighting with her, especially since she is always there for me and I have no one else. I mean I had the guys the last time but they wouldn't understand that time. We both propped ourselves on our elbows and looked at the guys. They all tapped their foots impatiently. I got up and looked at Alice. She had her hand sticking out. I rolled my eyes and huffed. I grabbed her hand and picked her up with all my strength. I looked at Alex as he looked between us both.

"What happened?" He asked with curiosity rising in his voice.

"Why?" I asked.

"Just curious." He said with a shrug. Alice smirked, coming out with a reply.

"Have you ever heard the term, curiosity killed the cat?" I rolled my eyes.

"Of course I have. I was just wondering."

"Now, why are you really here?" Alice snapped, clearly annoyed with his presence. He rolled his blue eyes.

"Well, I have something to tell the both of you."


Hey, what's up? So Mackenzie started out with this chapter. Why? Because I am lazy. So she made me read it then I erased it all. All of it. She probably hates me for it. Also, you guys should go check out my friend of mine. Her account is called sydscool. She makes R5 fanfics if you like R5. Go check her out. Vote, comment, and follow. I mean you won't get bit by a cannibal if you don't but again I could be wrong.

Keep on turtling. Smile everyday.


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