Chapter 1

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Evelyn's POV

        It was Friday afternoon after school. I pulled into the driveway of my house. I sat in the car thinking about all the words that were thrown at me today. People are always talking to me then they turn around and just throw ugly words at you for something your not. I used to be the talk. I had a bunch of friends because of the money my mom had. Not me, my mom. Later, I would think of it as crossing over. From an known territory into an unknown. From a place where people know you to a place where people only think they know you. I pulled out of my trance. I got out of the car grabbing my bag. I sluggishly walked to the front door. I opened the door and screamed for my mom.

        "Mom?" No reply. "Mom, are you here?" I walked pass my mom's office and walked into the kitchen. "Mom!" I walked to the fridge and saw a familiar note. 

        'I have to work late. You know where the food is. Love, mom.' Of course, mom works late again. I opened the fridge and looked around and saw another note. 'Eat the salad for after school and dinner. You might want to think about losing weight.' Nice love that you give to me mom. I pushed the salad aside and grabbed the pudding. I went over to the silverware drawer and drew out a spoon. I opened the pudding and started eating it. I sat in the kitchen standing in the vacant, quiet house. I felt my eyes get watery. I wiped away the standing tear in my eye. 'You are stronger than that, Evelyn.' I thought to myself. I can't stand being alone. I thought about calling my brother, then I realized he would never want to talk to me. I am alone. All alone. I pulled out my phone and messaged someone who would always be there for me. Alice.

Evelyn:Hey, are you home?

Alice: Yea why?

Evelyn: Can you come over?

Alice:I'll be right over

Evelyn:See ya later then


        I quit messaging her and walked over to the couch and turned on the t.v.. I sat down and just stared at the t.v.. I snatched the remote and turned off the t.v.. I hate t.v.. I have no clue why I turned it on. I got up and walked downstairs to my bedroom. I sat down on the couch and turned on the t.v. and my Xbox. I put in Halo Reach. I played on mission. I looked at my clock.

        An hour has passed and Alice still has reached my house. I hope she didn't get caught by her dad. It would be my fault if she did. I got up and went into my bathroom to go to the bathroom. I stepped out of the bathroom when I heard a noise coming from upstairs. 'Stupid burglar.' I went to my bed side table and opened the drawer quietly and drew out my pocket knife. I felt my heartbeat pick up. I slowly and quietly went up the stairs and looked straight in the laundry room and didn't see anything or anyone. I walked around the corner towards the kitchen. I looked in the kitchen and saw the fridge open.

"Who are you and why are you in my fridge?" I spoke frantically.

"Oh, jeez Evelyn. You scared me." The high pitched voice called out and closed the fridge so I could see the face. My aunt.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I shouted at her. "You had me thinking you were gonna kill me."

"Why would I kill my own niece?" She gave me a smirk.

"Because you hate me." I shouted at her stupiditiness. 

"Now, why would I hate you?"

"Go home."

"Hold on, I'm trying to get money."

"Mom isn't home. So you will have to wait till she gets home to ask her."

"Who said I had to ask?"

"So your gonna steal from mom?"

"No silly, I'm gonna borrow."

"So basically your stealing."

"I am not stealing." She started raising her voice at me. "Now where does your momma keep her money?"

"I don't know." I let the truth slide right off my tongue.

"Don't lie." She stepped closer to me. I could feel her breath on my skin. She is invading my bubble.

"Leave before I call the police."

"You wouldn't call the police on your dear aunt, would ya?" I could tell she was trying to pressure me.

"I will." I pulled out my phone and typed in the number and had my thumb hovering over the call button.

"Farewell. I will be on my way. It was lovely to see my bitchy, stubborn niece." She stepped back and pushed right past me and out the door. When I heard the door shut, I cancelled the number and put my phone away. I was thinking to message Alice, then I realized I shouldn't. I heard my phone go off and looked at the notifications. 

'Check out your Facebook, now.' I got it from my friend Alyssa. 

I checked my phone and regretted checking my news feed.

Hey, turtles. First real chapter. Mackenzie and I have a plan for the book. I do Evelyn's POV while Mackenzie does Alice's POV. I hoped you like this chapter. Keep on turtling. Smile everyday.~ Katie(I_Am_A_Turtle34) Byee.

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