Chapter 5

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Evelyn's POV

I waited until Alice's Jeep pulled away from the driveway. I turned around went into the kitchen.

"Hey, sweetie. How was school?" I shrugged at her.

"It was okay."

"Did you have dinner already?"

"No." I didn't want to eat salad.

"Oh, we'll eat some leftover chicken from last night." I nodded my head slightly. She threw the chicken in the microwave and waited for it to finish. When the beep went off, she took the chicken out of the microwave and walked to the dining room. I followed her into the empty room. I looked at her back in confusion.

'Why are we going to the dining room?'

I shrugged at the possible answers that popped up. I walked into the dining room and saw my mom sitting down. I sat down across from my mom. I started picking at my chicken as it danced across the plate.

"How is Alice?" my mom asked, trying to fill the quiet room.

"She is fine, of course." My mom nodded at my response.

"How about her dad?"

"What about her dad?" I snapped, not meaning to snap at my mother. My mother flinched but dropped the situation.

"How was soccer practice?" I looked at my mom like she was growing two heads.

"Mom, it is not soccer season."

"Oh, well. What season is it?" I sighed as she asked me.

'We have gone through this to many times.'


"Oh, my bad."

"It's okay."

"How is your friend, Tess?"

"Mom, she moved 4 years ago."

"Well, are you guys still friends?" I saw my mom pull out her phone and started scrolling through it.

"Mom, she used to bully me." I saw my mom giggle behind her phone.

"Oh. Sorry, what did you say? I was checking my Facebook."

"Nothing, nothing at all." She put her phone down and stared at me intently.

"I have something to talk about to you. That is why I am home early." I waited for her to continue as she stared at me. "I am going on a business trip." I rolled my eyes.

"Well, that's no surprise." I stated. She is always gone on business trips.

"The thing is, I leave next week and I don't know how long I will be. I am guessing that I will be gone for a month." I put my fork on my plate.

"What about groceries?"

"I am giving you money to use for anything that you would like from food to clothes." I nodded.


"Also, another thing is I am off tomorrow. Would you like to go shopping with me?" I looked at my mom with hopeful eyes.

"Are you being serious?" My mom gave me a big smile.

"I am being serious."

"You promise?" My mom laughed lightly. Then nodded.

"I promise." I nodded back at my mom. "Are you done?" I nodded as he took my plate from me. I got up and followed her to the kitchen.

"I am going to bed." I stated as I yawned.

"Okay. Love you." I smiled as I turned away from her.

"Love you too, mom." I whispered lightly. I walked down the stairs and walked into my bedroom. I looked at my bed then jumped on it.

'I guess things are starting to get better for me.'

I heard the front door open and I also heard giggling.

'Never mind.'


Hey, Katie here. how are my nortles? What did you think about this chapter? Hoped you like it.


Keep on turtling.🐢Smile everyday.😄

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