.Chapter 10.

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*Alice's Pov*

When I drove off he grabbed my phone and threw it in the bag along with his. I went to go grab it, but he forced my hand back from doing so. My face showed I was smiling. His famous smirk appeared on his face once again. "Today is going to be a special day, do you have any other electronics?" He asked me. When he held his hand out and drove with one hand I placed the hand back onto the steering wheel.

"Both hands on the wheel, buddy. And, what other electronics would I have without you seeing them, seriously?" I asked him with a ridiculous look. He laughed a little then shook his head.

"You never know, you're a weird one. I mean, you were in batman underwear," He laughed out. He was laughing so hard, he had to take a hand off of the steering wheel, once again to hold his stomach. His face became from the lack of air, and his breath became ragged.

"Oh, shut up!" I yelled at him. I slapped his arm, playfully, and laughed a little under my breath. I turned my head so he couldn't spot the maroon color that absorbed my cheeks. Micheal's laugh filled the vehicle he was driving. I shook my head at the boy. "Don't judge me," I said in a huff. He looked up at me still laughing a little.

"Hey, I'm actually wearing my superman boxers right now. Sometimes, I might even wear my My Little Pony boxers," Micheal told me with a smile. My jaw smacked the bottom of the seat when I heard him talk about the My Little Pony boxers.

"You watch My Little Pony, too?" I asked. Hopefulness filled in my brown eyes. He smiled a little and looked at me then at the road.

"Yeah I really do, look in the back seat," He told me. When I turned around I seen a Rainbow Dash pony bookbag. I gasped and clutched the bag and brought it closer to me. "Do you like it?" Micheal questioned glancing at me quickly. I had the biggest grin on my face when the bag was on my lap.

"No, I love it. This is amazing. I only have one where Rarity, Twilight, Apple Jack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie are on it. I don't really have a favorite," I admitted with a sheepish grin. A smile swept across his face and he put the bag back in the back seat. I heard the brakes squeal to a stop and I released my gaze from the poor stuffed bag. "Where are we?" I asked.

"Are you ready?" Micheal questioned. I started at him for a minute then looked around where we were at.

"Are you going to murder me?" I asked looking at the open meadow field. The purple flowers and the rich grass swayed side to side when the wind told it to dance. The wishing flower's seeds were blown off of the stem and blew into the sharp green grass. The wind was blowing my hair around to the left of my head. Grass was tickling my ankles, and the purple flowers were tingling my knees and were brushing Micheal's lower calves when he walked up next to me.

"Gee, how did you know? Did you see my butcher knife on the dashboard? Gammit!" He announced sarcastically. "Now, do you trust me?" Micheal asked. He held out his hand and mine became sweaty. I wiped my palms on the sides of my shorts, hitting the buttons occasionally. I extended my hand forward, and he grasped my hand gently, then squeezed it with a grin.

"I trust you," I said to him with a smile. He told me to close my eyes, so I did. We started to walk together then in a couple of minutes I felt a strange feeling. Micheal interlaced his fingers with mine and my hands got sweaty again. I couldn't pulled back so I left it be. I could hear Micheal take a deep breath in and out when he told me to open up my eyes. When I opened my eyelids to see the world, visible, for me to look at, I seen a Pokemon blanket on the ground with pillows and snacks. I laughed and looked up at him. I hugged him, and he hugged me back. We stayed like that for a few minutes until I said thank you and let him go. He gazed at me and leaned forward, I could feel his breath on my face.


Hey, I had to leave the cliffhanger, sorry guys. Katie has been poking me then whole time with a little giggle during my chapter session. She's actually still doing it, she just jammed her finger in my freaking arm! Unique, guys. She is very..... special. Now, she is making weird sound effects and crying, because she is laughing so hard at herself. Someone please help me, dear jesus. She just showed me her tear and told me to stop hurting her feelings..... Never said anything. She is doing it again. Can I cut her fingers off, or would that be 3rd degree finger slaughter?

Love Ya's


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