Chapter 29

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*Evelyn's Pov*

I felt awkwardness wash over me as Alice stormed out. I walked to the door, getting ready to comfort her. I felt a hand land on my shoulder and stop me.

"I got this." said an Australian voice. I looked up and saw a pair of green eyes boring into mine. I nodded hesitantly. I stepped back and let Michael through the door. I turned around as my eyes met a pair of blue eyes. I felt all eyes on me. I saw Niall give me a warm smile. I gave a small smile in return.

"Well, little sis. I have no idea what that was about but I am sure she will be fine." I nodded in agreement.

"I am going to play Xbox." I walked towards the game room and plopped down on the couch. I grabbed my controller and turned on the Xbox. I put in Halo Reach and started to play. I put on my headphones and signed into my Xbox Live account and found that the guys were on.

"Evelyn! Your on!" I smiled at Drew's voice as he shouted through the mic. We joined the rest of the guys in the party.

"Hey, guys." I said, dragging every syllable. I heard a knock on the door. The door creaked open and a mop of curls peaked in. I groaned and picked up a pillow to throw at the door. Once the pillow flew in the air, I shouted 'bulls-eye' at the poodle.

"What was that for?" said a deep, British voice. I felt something make contact with my face. I giggled as I realized it was the pillow.

"Evelyn, we are getting ready to play." said Cole. I focused my attention back on the game and started to play. I felt the couch sink and heard a sigh.

After thirty-five minutes of a competitive game, the guys soon had to leave.

"Bye, Evelyn." said Evan.

"Bye, babe." said Brent. I felt Harry tense up beside me. I gave him a questioning look that he ignored. I focused my attention to the argument of the guys.

"Hey, we are coming over later." I rolled my eyes at Brent.

"Alright, guys." I said in agreement. Soon the guys started to fight once again.

"I call dibs on Evelyn." I heard Brent say. I laughed and titled my head back.

"I call dibs on her." Soon the argument started up again.

"I get Alice." I heard Aiden say. I laughed as the t.v started screaming. I rolled on the floor laughing.

"Guys, stop." I said as I laughed in between. The guys started to stop arguing.

"I am on my way. Bye!" I heard Brent say as he left the party and got off. I heard Cole sigh.

"I guess I have no choice." I felt my jaw drop at Cole. "Kidding. Love you, Eve. I will be over soon." I rolled my eyes.

"I am out. Come on, Drew. We will be over soon." I heard Aiden say. Once the guys logged off, it was just Evan and me.

"Are you coming with the guys?" I asked while rolling my eyes at my stupidity.

"Why wouldn't I come over?" I laughed at his tone. I heard Harry sigh by me. I rolled my eyes at him impatience.

"Well, are you going to get off?" I said with a slight laugh.

"Right. Bye, Eve. See you later." I giggled at Evan as we both logged off. I slid off my headphones and looked at Harry.

"How may I help you?" I asked as he looked at me.

"Just seeing if you were okay." I rolled my eyes at him.

"I have been fine." I snapped.

"Who were the guys?" He said in a dark tone.

"My friends." I said in a dark tone back. Harry looked away then sighed. He turned his attention back on me as I crossed my arms and huffed. Harry scooted closer to me. I started to feel uncomfortable under Harry's gaze.

"Do you have a crush on one of them?" I looked at Harry and narrowed my eyes.

"No." I snapped. Harry leaned in closer. I leaned backwards as he continued on leaning in. I felt his lips touch my own lips. I sat there, not moving an inch with my eyes closed. I felt my face grow warm. Harry pulled away and sighed. I heard the door slam. I got up and walked to the front door and saw a car drive away and a few cars pull up. Five figures jumped out. I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist and pick me up.


Hey, it Katie. Hoped you guys hated this chapter. Just kidding, ehehe. Vote, comment, and follow. I mean you won't have a heart attack because you didn't do any of the following but than I could be wrong.

Keep on turtling. Smile everyday.

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