34 | to wither, to bloom

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One month had passed quickly and here was Sakura watching the match between Gaara and Sasuke

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One month had passed quickly and here was Sakura watching the match between Gaara and Sasuke. And then something happened.

The village was being attacked.

'I think I should choose my words wisely,' Sakura casually thought as if the village wasn't being attacked by the sound and sand collaborating.

Instead of following Sasuke and Gaara along with Naruto, Shikamaru and Kakashi's summon she disappeared.

Masking her chakra she went into her house and chuckled when she saw a figure looking at her.

"Mpmh, daarmph." She heard some muffled words as she opened the door and went inside. She had a lot of time now, the village was being attacked and every ninja would be busy battling the enemies, no one would bother coming here because this was a civilian area.

There she saw her dear father and mother tied up.

"It's been a while hasn't been, Kizashi-sama, Akumu-sama?" She simply chuckled.

Oh how long she had been eager for this day. The day of her revenge, the day she'll stop pretending, the day she will be free.


"Ah, how could I forget you both are taped." She quietly mumbled as she walked towards them as she ripped away the tape making them yelp at the sudden pain inflicted them above their lips.

"You bitch!" Kizashi was the first one to break the silence as he roared loudly, the chair scraping harshly against the floor.

"A daughter of a bastard must be a bitch, hmm?" She chuckled not bothering to get offended by what her father had just called her.

"How dare you call my darling a bastard!?" Akumu screeched as her face contorted in an ugly sneer.

"I dared, after all, a man who cheats on his wife for years is no man at all, right?" She smiled gently, "Since he's not a man, then he must be a bastard!"

"You. . ." Kizashi's bangs shook as his body moved in anger.

"Why did you tie us up?" He forced himself not to yell.

"I thought it was obvious, isn't it to get revenge on you!"

Sakura laughed lightly, her pink hair slightly moving as she stopped laughing all of a sudden. Her green eyes shining with a cold light which sent shivers down her two people's spine.

"You. . ." Purple amethyst eyes widened in horror, "You pretended to be a meek person but you are a monster!"

"What they say is really true after all, like mother like daughter," She grinned widely.

"You bitch! What did you do to my daughter?" She asked, her voice could not hide her anger.

"Just broke her wrist, nothing much," She answered, "Yet."

Seeing the horror on Akumu's face made the pinkette feel the satisfaction that she had been waiting for years.

"Do you know what's one of the most painful ways to die?" Sakura asked.

"What are you trying to do?" Kizashi asked as Akumu trembled in fear, "Do-Don't come any closer!"

"It's being burnt to death."

"What do. . ." Kizashi's yellow eyes widened in panic, "What do you mean by that?"

"Nothing much, I just want my revenge," She replied as she looked around before she smiled.

"Kai!" She dispelled the genjutsu revealing the many explosion tags attached to the wall.

"You should know what this is right, Kizashi-sama?" She taunted, "After all, you were a jounin after all."

"What is she talking about honey?" Akumu looked at her husband, "Honey? Honey!" She called out snapping Kizashi out of his dazed state.

"Sakura, you are my daughter, don't do this!" He pleaded.

"Darling, why are you begging in front of this bitch?"

"Shut up, you bitch!" He roared angrily at his wife, his vicious gaze fell on her face and he was agitated again. "It's all because of you if I hadn't met you,"

"Sakura!" He looked at the pinkette who watched them with a cold gaze, "I am your father-" He was cut off by Sakura.

"Father? Tell me one time you played the role of a father in my life, never." She replied.

"Tch," She scoffed at the despaired expression on her father's face. 

The pinkette then took a lighter lying on the table as she lit it up and threw it at the wall. Instantly the explosion tags were activated and they reacted causing a fire to start.

"You want to drag us to death with you!" Akumu yelled.

"Drag you to death with me? Are you worthy?" She chuckled darkly, "I'll crush you from the top."

She started walking away as the fire started spreading. 

Looking at the house set on fire, she walked away.

"The Haruno Household is no more, Kizashi Haruno and Akumu Haruno have died in the fire along with their daughter Sakura Haruno."

She let out a crazy laugh, "What an ending!"

The green-eyed pinkette then grabbed the backpack she had hid in a bush nearby, grabbing it she masked her chakra and appeared outside the gates of Konoha when she saw a huge figure.

"The One-Tailed; Ichibi VS The Nine-Tailed; Kyubi huh," She narrowed her eyes slightly, "The winner will save themselves as the other, so good luck Uzumaki Naruto."

She noticed someone there at the gates waiting for her.

"Are you ready?" The person asked.

"Yes, I am. . ." Sakura nodded. "Arai-sensei."

"Then let's not waste any time and leave," Arai said as they both disappeared from Konoha.

The Chrysanthemum flower above in her room withered.

The Chrysanthemum flower above in her room withered

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𝗣𝗥𝗘𝗧𝗘𝗡𝗗𝗜𝗡𝗚 ≡ sakura harunoWhere stories live. Discover now