69. I Wish I Were A Lesbian!

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Yashvi's POV:

I entered my room, not so surprised by the fact that Tara was not there.

I checked the washroom, just to make sure that she was actually not here before walking towards my lehenga that was lying on one side of the bed. But before I could even lean forward to grab it, the knock on the door made me tilt my face towards it. I thought for a second before walking towards the door to open it.

"Megha?" I said as I found her standing there, anxiety visible on her face as she nervously played with her fingers.

"Move aside!" she said before pushing me aside and entering my room.

"Umm... Welcome!" I said while closing the door behind me.

"Tara is not here right!" she said while looking at me after peeking inside the washroom.

I just shook my head, confusion written on my face. "What's wrong with you?" I looked her up and down.

She took a deep breath while walking towards me. "I need to tell you something!"

"Okay! Go ahead!" I said, curiosity making it's way to my head.

"Okay, listen to me carefully!" She sighed before continuing. "So, you know right that I am dating this guy named, Christopher!" I just nodded my head, signalling her to continue. "So... He has a sister... Her name is Chloe, and I have been hanging out with her a lot together lately.... even more than I hangout with her brother!"

"Okay, so?" I said raising my eyebrow. I didn't understand why the hell she was acting so nervous.

"So, the thing is that when I hangout with her and when I hangout with Christopher, I get a very different feeling..... You are getting what I am trying to say, right?"

I opened and closed my mouth a few times and started making faces in confusion.

"Ohh!!.... Screw it!.... I am a lesbian!" She announced leaving me stunned. I blinked once before looking at her.

"You what?" I asked, just to confirm that I wasn't daydreaming. I had never imagined that Meghaa could be a lesbian. Well now as I recall, she never showed much interest in guys, even in the one's she would date. And let me tell you the guys she has dated till now were really something, even I used to start getting a crush on them. Now I understand, why she always used to checkout girls at the parties.

"Yes! I like girls!..... And I think that I like-"

"Your boyfriend's sister!" I finished the sentence for her and she nodded.

"Wow!... I mean, that's pretty messed up!...... Does.... does she likes you?" I inquired.

"Yes." She sighed.

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