Chapter 23

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I want to leave,'

Those words slipped out of my mouth and they looked at me in confusion.

'Leave?' Kookie repeated.

'Yes. I want to leave,' I announced very clearly.

Taehyung stared at me blankly before extending a hand.

I looked at his hand. It looked so soft. I couldn't describe how much I wanted to touch it again. But I shouldn't.

'Come on. I've told you once. If you keep on neglecting help, you'll find yourself in a position where you'll need it but have no one give you any,'

He looked at me with those eyes. Those deep, beautiful, dark chocolate eyes. They were the type of eyes that you would die to see. I was so stupid and foolish so I succumbed to my need to be with Taehyung.

I took his hand and he led me out of the room, his hands gently gripping against mine.

'Do you want to stay for breakfast?' He asked, smiling an adorable rectangular box smile.

My heart skipped a beat.

'No thanks, I have to get home,' I declined, my eyes not leaving his own brown orbs.

'Let me drive you,' he offered.

'Oh no, it's ok. I like walking. Besides, I live nearby,' I explained.

It was a lie. I did want him to drive me. I did not live nearby. But for him, I would be ok doing anything.

'Let me walk you, then,' his hand warm and soft around my own.

Smiling, I nodded.

We were outside his gates when his mother rushed out to us.

'Wait, aren't you staying for breakfast?' his mother asked.

'I'm so sorry but my parents called. I have to get home soon,' I lied again.

Ha. Parents. What a funny joke.

Her face fell. I instantly felt bad.

'But, don't worry. I'll come back for breakfast at another time,' I comforted.

She lit up and smiled placing her palms on top of mine.

'Make sure it's soon,' she smiled.

'Of course,' I gave her a hug.

So this is what it felt like to have a mother. She smelled like warm vanilla and cinnamon. I see why the boys love her. She was so nice and welcoming. Even to a stranger.

'Next time, don't come as a stranger,' she whispered in my ear.

'Come as a friend,'

I smiled at those words.

Now I know what it feels like to have a friend. She may be 30 years older than me but she was still a friend.

'I will,'

And there we departed the comforts of Taehyung mother, a woman who saw love in every inch of the world.

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