Chapter 25

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Taehyung's POV

So far, what I know about Song Mina is that she is a very strange girl. She can be weak and broken sometimes and sometimes she acts as if she was God's gift. But that was, in my opinion, her trying to be strong when she wasn't. Believe me, she is definitely very strong but by being stronger than she should be will be her downfall. She kept all her fear, hurt and sadness inside. She needed help. She needed me.

So when she brought back the topic of her bullies, I got mad again. I tried to suppress it but it brought up an anger that I felt so long ago. With the fury bubbling in my stomach, my fist turned into a fist.

Then I looked next to me. Mina, my exact opposite. She was broken and hurt but she was okay with that. How?

All of a sudden, I didn't want to hurt anyone anymore. I wanted to protect her.

'Oh yeah. By the way, if anyone ever touches you again, tell me and my friends and we'll kick their asses, ok?'

She looked up at me, with those beautiful transparent brown eyes, shining with sincerity.

Then she smiled and said,

'Thank you,'

It felt so natural being with her. It matters not how long I've known her because to me, she's always been there. In my heart.

It was barely audible but to me, it was as if the entire world was telling me 'thank you' when it was only one small whisper. As if the entire world was telling me that this was right.

Then I realised.

She was my world.

I understood now. There will only be one person for me. Only one person who could make me feel this.You.

And because of that, I took a step further.

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