chapter seven | s2

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Today was the day that Maria and Moon had been scared of. The first day of school. Moon was going to pick maria up whereas Miguel was walking with Hawk. In complete honesty maria felt bad about the idea of rekindling her past sorta relationship with eli since miguel had problems with tory and sam then the fact maria had became best friends with moon over previous weeks.

It was 7am when Marias alarm blasted new perspective by panic! at the disco. Despite not having the will to even leave her bed maria got changed anyways and did every other basic thing you do to be ready for day one.

 Despite not having the will to even leave her bed maria got changed anyways and did every other basic thing you do to be ready for day one

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Once the blue haired girl walked out of her room she was already greeted with some breakfast and juice from her twin.

"mum has already set off for work and nana is still sleeping" miguel mumbled still feeling guilty about the kiss with sam.

"thank you for making breakfast though" maria replied with a sympathetic smile.

It was obvious that miguel felt guilty and absolutely miserable seeing him like this broke maria's heart. The twins sat there in a awkward silence until there was a knock at the door.

"come in hawk" miguel shouted as eli came in seeing that his best friend was still miserable.

"are you still upset over tory?" hawk asked taking a seat besides maria

"i feel awful man what if she saw the kiss" miguel stated rolling his eyes at his best friend

"girls come around" hawk stated as if he was an expert.

"miggy at least you know you regret it and you feel bad maybe speak to tory at school thats all us girls want an apology" maria stated eating a strawberry before checking her phone paying zero attention to the flirtatious eyes that eli was sending in her direction.

"anyway boys i have to love you and leave you since im going with moon"

maria gave both boys a kiss on the cheek which was completely normal for miguel but the action made eli as red as the strawberry maria had just digested.

"see ya later" both boys called

Moon was sat in her car waiting for her new best friend blasting harry styles golden before maria hoped in beside her. If one thing maria seemed to love about been friends with moon was the energy she gave whenever they would meet she would always have some form of colourful drink and always seemed full of energy and it made maria that slight bit more positive about life.

"maria try this its amazing pineapple, orange, mango and grape slush" moon said brightly handing over the orange juice.

Maria wouldnt refuse and in all truth the liquid was amazing. The girls eventually stopped having chitchat and drove. The girls had english first period. The girls sat down like any normal day and so the day went on like normal until the ending. Quite ironically the girl was learning about macbeth and his betrayal towards his king.

"samantha larusso you know what you did and your gonna pay IM COMING FOR YOU BITCH"

Tory saw and she was angry. Moon stared wide eyed to her friend before the bell rang and every single person in the room sprinted into the hallway. The entire energy around the school was full of toxicity and hatred. Maria knew that Miguel was going to get involved.

"Moon ill have to catch up with you later i need to try stop this" maria stated before running to stop her friend and brother from causing havoc.

The blue haired girl finally arrived and stood beside eli who was watching the blonde and brunette walk in a circle.

"i know what you did you kissed miguel"

Sam wasnt even concerned about what she had put tory through but rather the face that robbie pulled.

"your going to pay" tory said with nothing but pure anger before going to punch her.

Sam clearly had no intention to fight maybe because she knew she was in the wrong it seemed to be a continous thing for the larussos refusing to admit when they are in the wrong. Tory wasnt going to let her walk away without a fight and grabbed her sending her flying her body into eli and maria. Hawk however stood behind tory in this fight and threw her back at tory. This was when Miguel finally got there and seperated tory from pounding every punch into sams face which was now bloody and bruised.

Robby then pushed miguel away. With that one action

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