Chapter 7

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Finally, we lost the crowd of girls trailing behind me. I mean like seriously.
"So..." I said before the silence got to awkward. The sad thing is, I'm not good at breaking awkward silence.
"Hey!" It was Hermione. "What's new with you guys?"
"Girls were chasing us down..." Ron muttered, looking really tired. Wow. He was really out of shape.
"Really?" Hermione's eyebrows shot up. "I believe they were chasing Percy?"
"Duh." Ron said in an obvious tone.
"Oh well." I said, trying to break the tension. "Oh, and..."
I never got to finish my sentence because the whistle blew.
"Hurry up! We need to get to the train now!" Hermione yelled, and started sprinting.
Thank the gods that we asked the Weasly family to take care of our luggage.
As we approached the train, I helped Hermione put her luggage into the luggage cart and ran to board the train.
But, as the gentleman I am, I helped Hermione board first, and she blushed. Huh.
And then when I started to board, the train started moving!
Oh well, all the training must do me some good, right?
So, I just jumped and when I touched solid ground (thank gods! I hate being in the air even a second!) I rolled farther into the compartment. huh. at least that worked.

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