Chapter 23

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A/N: Sorry for the freaking long wait! Sure I'm on vaca, but I'm super busy.

I watched as Riptide slowly plunged into Gaea's body. But it Gaea was apparently trying to be a vacuum and practically swallowed my sword.

"Hey! That's my favorite sword!" I screamed, flailing my arms.

Gaea tilted her head sideways. "Perhaps you would like it back?"

Then, out of no where Riptide came shooting towards me. If I didn't have fast reflexes, I would've been on the ground. Dead. Like Annabeth. Maybe being dead was great for me. I would definitely see Annabeth again...

I had no time to comprehend what I was thinking before Gaea lunged towards me. I side stepped her, my reflexes coming in handy again. Then I thought of a battle plan. Time seemed to have slowed down as I thought and thought, probably over using my under used brain. Water would most definitely kill the sadist thing off... But it wouldn't be as useful as fire and lightning. Water would only dissolve her for a bit while fire and lightning would just finish her off entirely. If only Jason and Leo were here next to me. I looked around a little bit and didn't notice anyone with any fire or lightning powers.

"Come at me, Gaea!" I yelled, and Gaea was about to unleash her Earthy rage on me when- BOOM- something knocked her off her feet and made her go flying.

"Harry?" I asked the raven headed boy that had suddenly appeared beside me.

He was holding his wand out in an attack position and looked like he was ready to fight.

"I've got your back, Percy. Now get her! Get her for Annabeth, for anyone that you've ever loved and will ever love." Harry smiled as Gaea got back on her feet.

"Thank you." I replied, giving a genuine smile and clamping my had on his shoulder.

A light tear slipped out of my eye as I charged straight for Gaea's cold heart for the second time. When I got there, I immediately lounged Riptide into Gaea's chest and pulled out my wand.

"Incendio!" I screamed as Harry, right beside me, screamed, "Magna Mortem!"

Fire and lightning hit Gaea's rigid body, and she shrieked, disintegrating.

Harry and I stood there panting, staring at the rubble that had once tried to kill us.

"Good job mate." Harry said, putting an arm around my shoulder.

"You too, man." I panted, smiling in victory. 

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