Chapter 14

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The Next Day
Annabeth's POV
Something is fishy about the Granger girl. I saw her looking at Percy dreamily. I feel like Hermione's trying to take Seaweed Brain from me... Maybe I could do something to her during DADA, my class.
---------------- During DADA ----------------
As the students filed into the class, I took a look at them. Percy was shooting a mischievous grin towards me, and Hermione was glaring at me. The kids looked like they were pleased... Did they hate the professor before me?
"Good morning class!" I said, adding a wink towards Percy. Percy pretended to catch it and clutched it to his heart.
"Today we are going to learn about duels. Anyone want to challenge me to demonstrate how to duel?" I asked, clapping my hands.
Hermione immediately raised her hand, smirking at Percy. I picked her, and waved my wand to make a table to stand on. The students parted as Hermione made her way towards me.
"We're going to start in 3." I said, walking to the very end of the long table. "1, 2..."
And then Hermione attacked. I quickly deflected the spell.
"You started before I said 3. If you don't understand the rules , Ms. Granger, you could just tell me." I said, half smirking. The class got into fits of giggles.
Hermione blushed red and walked to the end of the table again.
"On 3, Ms. Granger." I said again. "1.."
And then Hermione attacked. Again!
I sighed, rubbing my temple.
"Do I really have to explain the rules to you again?" I asked, pretending to be annoyed. "I can't duel with you, as you won't follow the rules!"
Hermione turned bright red, glared at me, and then went back to her seat.
--------------- After DADA ---------------
As I walked out of the classroom, I was pushed against the wall.
"Hermione? What do you think you are doing?" I asked, putting my books to the side.
"What is wrong with you?" Hermione practically yelled.
"The question is, what is wrong with you?" I asked, half teasing her.
"You were trying to humiliate me in front of Percy!" Hermione said.
I clicked my tongue. "Your just too wrapped in trying to get him, you don't even know who you're against."
Hermione basically yelled a battle cry and shot a spell towards me. I easily side-stepped it and took out my own wand.
"Stop! I don't want to hurt you, Hermione!" I said, throwing in a spell myself.
Hermione just smirked. "Scared, Professor Chase?"
"Not a chance!" I said, up for a little challenge. Hermione threw another spell towards me, and I dodged again.
"Avis!" I yelled, and a flock of birds came flying from my wand tip.
"Confringo!" Hermione yelled, exploding all of the birds.
I sighed, blocking some more of Hermione's weak spells. I guess she doesn't want to hurt a professor.
"Avada Kedevra! (Please correct me if I'm wrong...)" Hermione yelled, and a jet of green light flew out of her wand. At that second, I saw Percy walking towards us. He had his mouth open in an 'O' and started running. I tried deflecting the killing curse, but it still hit me, and I fell backwards, blacking out.
Percy's POV
I was wondering where Annabeth and Hermione were. Hermione seemed to be wanting to talk to Annabeth after class. I started walking towards Professor Chase's room, hoping to catch either Hermione or Annabeth. When I was basically next to her class, I heard yells of spells being shot around. I kept on walking to the door. There, I saw Hermione shooting the Killing Curse towards Annabeth.
"Annabeth!!!!!" I yelled, but it was too late. Annabeth had gotten hit. I turned to Hermione.
"You witch!!!!!!!!! You just killed
"Annabeth!" I yelled, running to Annabeth's side. "Wise girl? Are you there? Please wake up!"
Then, Professor Dumbledore (Forgot to add that Dumbledore ain't dead! None of the dead people except the deaf eaters and Voldy are alive!)walked towards all of us.
"What is going on, Mr. Jackson, Ms. Granger?" He asked.
"Hermione here shot a killing curse towards my Wise- I mean Annabeth or Professor Chase!" I practically spat. "What are you going to do about it?"
Professor Dumbledore sighed. "Ms. Granger, come with me to my office. Mr. Jackson, would you please bring her to Madam Pomfrey?"
I nodded, shooting another look towards Hermione. She looked petrified. Well she should be. I gently picked Annabeth up, and started walking towards the Hospital Wing. I heard Madam Pomfrey was good... Hopefully she will be able to heal Annabeth... I slightly stooped, and kissed Annabeth's forehead.
"I love you, Wise girl..." I mumbled, and I swear I heard Annabeth say, "I love you more..."
----------------- Le Time Skip -----------------
After that exhausting trip to the East Wing, and Annabeth half-dying, I couldn't concentrate on anything. But I somehow made it to the Grand Hall where we were having dinner.
"Mate, are you okay?" Ron asked me as soon as I sat down. "Do you know what happened to Hermione?"
"I'm not okay." I mumbled. "And Hermione threw a killing curse at Anna- I mean Professor Chase. After that? IDK." Yeah, I literally said IDK. I was tired, cut me some slack!
"What does IDK mean?" Harry asked, taking some mashed potato.
"It means I don't know." I said, staring down at my plate. School sucks. Magic sucks. Hermione sucks. Everything sucks.
"Everyone quiet down!" Professor McGonagle yelled, calming everyone. "Professor Dumbledore is back! He will have a few words with you."
"Hello students of Hogwarts!" Prof. Dumbledore said, looking down at each of us. His eyes lingered on me for a little while. "I hope you all have had a wonderful summer! Now, tomorrow we are going to have another student coming in. She is from the England, and I suggest you don't anger her too much. Have a wonderful rest of your meal!"
That was when Hermione came in, ghostly pale and her eyes were bloodshot.
"What happened?" Harry asked, slightly freaked out.
"Nothing, just nothing." Hermione muttered, not meeting my eyes. "I just am tired."
I glared at her, and went back to my food. Everything reminded me of Annabeth. I wish that she was here right now... I miss her so much.
"I'm done." I said, standing up. I went up to the dorms, fell on my bed, and went straight to sleep.

A/N: Hey guys, I saw some awesome suggestions on my last chapter, which was awesome. Thanks for being active! Oh, in the next chapter, I'll be adding some random celebs and make them dat random OCs. Shawn Mendes is already taken by @fangirl_school so yeah...
Here's the OC form:
Hair color:
Skin (pale, olive, or tanned):
Wizard or Demi-wizard (demigod wizard):
Dating which celeb:
Only taking in 3 requests! First come first serve bases!
Here are 10 facts about me:
1. My mother tongue isn't English. I'm Asian.
2. My fav song currently is either Paradise by Jack and Jack or Wild Life by Jack and Jack
3. My fav male singer is Shawn Mendes or Ed Sheeran.
4. My fav female singer is either Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez or Cher Lloyd.
5. My fav word is Squabble. It's fun to say! :P
6. My pet peeve is when people ask, "Why?" over and over again.
7. I currently love strawberries. No reason at all.
8. My fav band is either The Vamps or 5SOS.
9. My fav country is England.
10. My fav book made into a movie is the Maze Runner. Coz the producers worked with the actual author!

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