Chapter 10

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'The Sorting Hat?' I thought. 'Is this some kind of sick joke?'

'Excuse me?' the hat thought back. 'I am not a joke nor am I sick!'

'Okay, so what are you suppose to do?' I asked in my mind.

'I will sort you into a house. Either Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw.' the Hat said back in my head.

'Can you sort me already?' I asked, sighing.

'A demigod...' the hat muttered. 'I can't choose.'

"Huffle- Raven- Gryffin- Slyth-" the Hat said out loud. "I will have to look deeper into you past."

"Not a good idea!" I muttered and squeezed my eyes shut. I was soon plummeting through my memories. Tar-tar-tartarus!

"AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" the sorting hat screamed (like a girl must I add). 'GRYFFINDOR GRYFFINDOR!!!! THIS BOY HAS GONE THROUGH MORE THINGS THAN THE BOY WHO LIVED HIMSELF!!!!!"

Everyone was gaping at me, looking at me as if I was a god.

I quietly took off the stupid hat and walked to the Gryffindor's yellow and red table.

Ron slowly whistled as he scooted over. "Did more things than Harry, that's right mate!"

Hermione smiled at me and looked at me with big eyes. "So... What do you think of Hogwarts?"

I smiled back. "Hectic, but cool.

Hermione's POV

Percy was sorted into my house. The Gryffindor's house.
I've gotta make sure that none of the girls get to Percy before I do.
I might not show it, but I really have a thing for him.
Hopefully he doesn't have a girlfriend.

"So... What do you think of Hogwarts?" I asked, smiling.

"Hectic, but cool." Percy said, smiling back.
I didn't know what Hectic means, but I couldn't show it.
Hermione Granger has to know everything.
"Mate! McGonagall is gonna make her speech! Stop flirting with Hermione!" Ron teased, looking at Percy.
"I'm not!" Percy said, his cheeks turning slightly pink.
I blushed tomato red after that.
Wait. Harry hasn't said anything since Percy got sorted. I wonder why... 

A/N: Hey guys! I just wanna know if you guys are enjoying the story. Would you like me to continue? Or quit? 'Cause I'm writing this story in secret... My mom wanted me to quit Wattpad. So yeah. I hope that you guys like this update, sorry for not updating for a while. I'll try to update ever Wednesday. (Key word: Try)

Thanks for sticking with me guys! :D

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