Chapter 3

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Percy's POV

My so-called friends had 'accidently' forgotten to tell me when they were going to Diagon Alley, leaving me to go by myself. However, Chiron had thankfully arranged a half giant called Hagrid to take me to the mysterious Diagon Alley. My friends and I (with an exception of Annabeth)  were going to Hogwarts... Hogwarts... warts on hogs... Sorry ADHD.

I was in this weird place in England called the Leaky Cauldron. Hagrid was waiting for me there... Hagrid. GET RID OF THE HAGS!!!!! Sorry ADHD again...

Time flew by as I got my money from Gringotts and headed to each bookshop to get my books.

Suddenly, I bumped into a red headed boy around my age coming out of Ollivanders.

"I'm so sorry!" the red headed boy said, with a British accent. "I wasn't looking where I was going."

"It's okay." I answered.

"Your American, aren't you?" the boy asked in awe.
"Ummm yes." I replied, not sure how to respond to it.

"Wow." the boy marveled, staring at me as if I was a new specimen that he had just seen for the first time.

I laughed as the boy continued to marvel about America.

"My name's Ron, Ron Weasley, by the way. What's your name?" he asked in the middle of his marveling.

"Percy Jackson. It's nice to meet you."

After hearing my introduction, the boy quickly turned to Hagrid and said, "Hagrid, I'll take him around. You go rest."

Hagrid started to protest, but the boy cut him clean off. "I'm sure."

I could've sworn he said, "Plus, Americans are way awesomer then British people."

After a while of things I didn't understand happening, Ron and I met up with this girl with bushy hair who had, apparently, been frantically looking for Ron. 

Her cheeks were flushed as if she had ran around the whole Diagon Alley like 7 times before finding us.

"Ron, I finally found... Oh, and who's this?" she asked.

"Oh. I'm Percy Jackson. I jut got transferred from America." I said, sticking out a hand for her to shake.

"Hermione Granger." she said, is it only me or does she sound dreamy?

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