Chapter 24

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I stood at the edge of it all, the battle. As soon as Gaea died, the rest of the monsters and Death Eaters fled, leaving us demigods and the wizards standing here. It felt like Annabeth would just come up to me, slap me in the head for being a Seaweed Brain, and kiss me. I missed her. Too much. Everything, every inch of me being happy, being a whole, was gone. Gone with the wind. I breathed out and sighed. The destruction everyone could manage. Hogwarts could be rebuilt, and so could Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter. But my love, my everlasting love for Annabeth would never be rebuilt. Ever.

Everyone was taking part of the rebuilding process. Wizards were using their magic to create, and destroy some parts, of the castle.

"Hey." a voice said next to me, and I looked towards it.

"Sup?" I asked sadly, looking back into the horizon.

"I'm sorry." was all Harry said, and we both lapsed back into comfortable silence.

"There was nothing I could do. Nothing! It happened so fast... I should have saved her! I should have taken her place..." I trailed off, tearing running out of my eyes so easily. "Damn the gods!"

Harry just stood in silence, understanding my words. My emotions had come crashing down as soon as the battle had ended. The water below us rippled ever so slightly as I screamed.

All of that echoed around me, putting me through more misery and guilt.

The only thing that I could think of now was how Annabeth's hair glowed in the sun like a bright blonde halo, and how soft her hair was even though there was mud and dirt in it.

Harry left me alone for a while to go and check up on Ron and Hermione. They were probably okay. I stood there a little longer before going inside the castle.

I walked up the stairs until I reached Annabeth's classroom. Memories crashed down onto me as I opened the door. This was where I held onto her limp body as she cried out her apology for being so rude to me.

I moved inside the room, surveying for anything damaged. To my surprise, nothing was. All of my Wise Girl's books were laying there, sprawled around, and most of them had her scribbles of class plans, or just things that got to her.

I smiled slightly at the memory and moved back out, closing the door behind me. I walked over to the Gryffindor common room. The room's right side was nearly blown right off by some kind of magic, but the room was pretty tidy. I walked around a while before sitting down on the seat that Annabeth had once sat down.

I put my head in my hands and cried freely, tears flowing down my face. It felt like she was there, right in front of me, trying to comfort me. I kept crying for another few minutes when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey Percy. How are you doing?" It was Piper.

"Not so well." I answered honestly, sitting up. My face was definitely blotched with tears, eyes bloodshot.

"Is it because of-" Piper asked softly.

"Don't say it!" I nearly screamed. "Don't say her name, don't say anything, she is not freaking dead, you hear me?!?!"

I was going into a state of denial. Nothing was going into my brain, just the fact that Annabeth had to be alive, probably outside right now, getting ready to yell at me for screaming at Piper.

Piper looked at me sadly before placing a hand on my back, rubbing it slowly. "It'll be okay. It'll all be okay."

A/N: 608 words! I feel so accomplished! This is the last chapter of the story. There will be an epilogue, and I feel like  this was one hell of a ride and I am forever grateful that you've decided to come and join me. Thank you. I'll be writing a long ass paragraph on the epilogue, so get ready!

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