Chapter 4

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(Edited 2018/12/13)

Harry's POV

I knew something was up as soon as I saw my best friends talking to a guy who looked like me minus the glasses. He had black hair that looked like he just rolled out of bed, and sea green eyes. He... he... he had a fricking eight-pack how was that even possible??!?!??!

I walked over to the group casually, and said, "Hey Hermione and Ron. And you are...?"

"Oh, I'm Percy, Percy Jackson." he said in an American accent, sticking a hand out for me to shake. I ignored the hand, and Percy lowered his hand, looking a little disappointed.

Hermione was making gaga eyes at him, which made me even more mad.

"I'm Harry, Harry Potter." I said, expecting some kind of reaction.

"Wassup Harry." Percy said before looking back at Ron. "So where's the cauldron store again...?"

"You haven't heard about me? I defeated Voldemort, the Dark Lord." I told him, and he just shrugged.

"So?" he asked, as if that wasn't a big deal.

"It took Ron, Hermione, and me seven years to fight him!"

"Seven years???" he asked, looking umimpressed. "I fought two of the most biggest enemies in America in just 6 years! I lost my memory for 8 monthes, too!"

I looked at him, mouth agape. "Whatever." I said, trying not to look impressed.

"Forget about the cauldrons. Should we go to Ollivander's?" Percy asked Ron.

"Oh, Ollivander's! We do need to go there now." Ron said, checking his muggle watch.

The four of us entered Ollivander's and the door chimed, signaling our arrival.

"Ollivander?" Percy asked, looking at Ollivander at the counter.

"Percy! What a pleasant surprise. How were the two wars? I am sorry that I couldn't join you."

"It was fine. We had more recruits from the other side though." Percy replied, as if speaking in code.

"Um Ollivander? We're here to get Percy's wand." Hermione interrupted.

"Right right! I got the wand for you Percy. It's even more powerful than Harry's there. I had it reserved for you as soon as you were born!" Ollivander said, chuckling and got out a wand. "Pine tree with Mermaid hair, a hint of lemon shampoo too."

Percy smiled sadly, as if remembering some thing disturbingly pleasant.

He waved the wand and a sea-side scent filled the room.

"Perfect! Tell Proffesser Snape (he's still nasty to Harry, Ron and Hermione and is not dead.) I said hello, kids!" he yelled.

As soon as we stepped out of the shop, a phone rang, startling the lot of us.

"It's mine, gotta take this, sorry." Percy said, walking slightly away.



"Oh hey Thalia. 'Sup?"


"What? No way! Ch- Mr. Brunner wouldn't have..."


"It's okay. I'll see you in an year."



And he shut the phone and looked at us. "Gotta go!" he said, quickly shoving his newly bought wand into his backpack. "I'll see you guys at Hogwarts!"

"See you there!" Ron and Hermione said in unison, Hermione's voice a little dreamy.

"Hope you don't come to Hogwarts." I muttered under my breathe.

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