Chapter 5

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Ron's POV
Hermione and I had a lot of respect for Percy. He had told us he had gone through 2 major wars, and had survived.
But I had this weird feeling that Hermione liked Percy. Not in a friend way, but in more of a... love way.
Sure, I like Hermione and all, but I thought Percy totally deserved Hermione. They had both gone through a major war, and they just looked perfect together.
Despite my jealousy, I started to ship Permione so hard.
Anyways, as soon as Percy was out of our line of vision, Harry said, "He's a death eater, I'm sure of it!"
"Harry!" Hermione yelled in shock. "Why would Dumbledore let a death eater in Hogwarts?!?"
"He has a powerfully aura like thing around him." Harry shot at Hermione.
"Oy! Just 'cause he's American doesn't mean that you have to be so rude to him!" I told Harry angrily.
"You'll see. You'll see that he's a death eater." Harry muttered and walked away from us without even a good bye.

---------------- At King's Cross -----------------

"Hurry up, Ginny! You're going to miss the train!" Mom yelled.
"Going mum!" Ginny yelled back. My family was very loud in King's Cross, which happened to be the place where we were going to board the Hogwarts express.
"Um... Excuse me Ma'am, but do you know where Platform 9 and 3/4 is?" a young boy's voice asked my mom.
"You must be the new exchange student. Welcome to England. I suppose you are in Year 7, the same year as Ron." Mum said, looking at me.
That was when I got my first good look at the boy.
"Percy/Ron??!??" we both yelled at the same time, (which, by the way, sounded like "Peron??!??") and then burst out laughing.
"Hey man. Nice mom you got there." Percy said, nudging my shoulder slightly (Read hard), making me loose my balance.
"Was that sarcasm?" I asked, raising up my eyebrows.
"Nope." he answered, grinning.

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