Chapter 12

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Percy's POV

Today was sooooooooooo boring... I wish that Annabeth was here... Harry has been sooooooooo weird and I sound sooooooooooo much like Leooooooooooo okay I'm done.

"Hey Perce?" Hermione asked.

"Sup?" I asked, quickly glancing at the clock. We had 20 more minutes of self study.

"Um... Would... like... wouldyougototheYuleBallwithme?" Hermione mumbled.

"What?" I asked, even though I had heard what she had said. I didn't want to reject her and make her feel bad.

"Umm... Would you go to the Yule Ball with me?" she asked again, slower this time.

I scratched the back of my neck. "Ummm I'm sorry, but no... I already have a girlfriend you know..."

"Oh, I'm so sorry..." Hermione said, turning crimson red.

I gave an apologetic look. I felt as if I should have said yes... But then again, then I would be cheating on Annabeth and I don't like that.

"Hey Percy!" a random Hufflepuff girl yelled. "I knew you liked me too, but couldn't you just have asked?"

I quickly turned around. "Look, my girlfriend looks nothing like you. Plus she's more smarter, more nicer, and much gorgeouser!"

"Gorgeouser isn't a word, Seaweed Brain." an angelic voice said behind me.

"Wise Girl?" I asked, spinning around. There, stood my Wise Girl, wearing Gryffindor robes. "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too, Seaweed Brain. You like me being here?" Annabeth asked, slightly giggling.

"YES! FOR GODS' SAKE, YES!!!" I practically yelled, flinging my arms around.

I kissed her on the lips, and then picked her up.

"Put me down, Percy!" Annabeth said, punching me playfully.

"Never!" I said, swinging her around.

Annabeth let out an angelic laugh and hugged me. "I wuv you!"

"I wuv you too!" I said, setting her down. In the corner of my eye, Hermione sat there, looking very hurt.

At least I have my Wise Girl... Right?

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