Chapter 11

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A/N: I didn't update in time... *insert sad face here* I'm sorry

Harry's POV

And there was the Sorting hat surprising everyone. Again. The Sorting Hat is soooo full of surprises.

That was sarcasm, if you were wondering.

The Sorting Hat used to be, "Harry this, Harry that", and now it was like "Percy this, Percy that!"

And now Hermione was all ga-ga over Percy, not making the situation any better!

And Ron, oh Ron, he was head over heels on Hermione, and now that Percy was in the picture, poor Ron.

Hermione was looking at me weirdly, because it was rare of me to not speak during the Grand Feast.

I just at looked coldly towards Hermione, clearly expressing my thoughts.

Hermione sighed and started talking to Percy, looking dreamy again.

I screamed in my head. She didn't get the point!

Doesn't she get it? I. DON'T. LIKE. PERCY. FLIPPING. JACKSON!!!!!

Ron was still joking around with Jackson, and so was Hermione.

They seemed to have forgotten that I was there with them.

They forgot their best friend! That's just sad... Anyways, I was lonely. Perhaps if I pretended to be friends with Jackson, then maybe I can get what I deserve. Attention.

"So Percy." I said, quickly swallowing a piece of pumpkin pie. "How do you like Hogwarts so far?" Oops, I just repeated Hermione's question.

Ron and Hermione was looking at me weirdly, and so was Percy.

"Um man, I just answered that question." Percy said, twirling a piece of spaghetti (A/N: Yes, the Italian Spaghetti) around his fork.

"Uh, sorry mate. I wasn't listening. Can you fill it in for me?" I asked, stuffing a piece of chicken in my mouth.

"I said it was hectic, but cool." Percy said, through a full mouth.

"Ewww Percy!" Hermione said, swatting Percy's arm. "Don't speak through a full mouth!"

"Yes mom." Percy said sarcastically, grinning, showing his mouthful of food,

Everyone, even Ron looked away from Percy. Percy quickly swallowed, and turned back towards us,

"Oops, I'm so sorry!" Percy said sassily, not sounding sorry at all.

'Mione giggled, and Ron snorted.

"Too much sass on this table, mate!" Ron said, while trying to swallow a piece of pumpkin pie.

I laughed, trying to sound natural, but that made everyone turn to me.

"Why does your laugh sound strangled, dude?" Percy asked, swallowing all his food down.

"I dunno... Maybe cause I'm trying to drink at the same time?" I said, gesturing towards my bottle.

Everyone else shrugged and went back to their meals.

A/N: Sup you guys? Follow my twitter: @AmazeChelsea

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