Chapter 17

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Annabeth's POV
Percy and I were slowly walking down the halls. We were in comfortable silence until Percy spoke up.
"Hey Annie, we have to get prepared for this war. If we're not, then... " Percy said looking down at the ground.
"Do you think that we might be able to train the Wizards? Maybe teach them how to use s sword." I asked, kicking a random pebble out of the hallway.
Yeah... Maybe..." Percy said, grabbing my hand. "But no matter what happens, we are not getting separated. Ever again. Okay?"
"Okay Seaweed Brain." I chuckled. "I-"
Suddenly, the floor cracked open and up came 7 hooded figures. I had my want out in front of me, ready to shoot a spell if I had to
"Awww did we ruin a percabeth moment?" DANG!!!" a familiar voice said.
"Pipes?" I asked cautiously, staring intently at them.
"Yeah?" she answered, took her hood off, and turned around. The others followed her example.
"Jason, Leo, Hazel, Frank, Thalia, and Nico? What are you guys doing here?" I asked once again.
"We came to help out with the war that's going to take place in Hogwarts." Jason answered. "You know, backup!"
Percy didn't look too happy that they had interrupted our moment. I elbowed him in the ribs and whispered, "We'll finish that later."
Percy grinned widely. "Man! How've you been!"
Leo lifted an eyebrow, looking at Percy, then at me, and then at Percy, trying to connect the dots. "Huh?"
"Percy? Annabeth?" I heard Harry yell. "Where in the name of Hades are you?"
Percy blinked twice, as if he was digesting that Harry had just said Hades.
"Ummm... Here!" I yelled. Harry ran towards me. He looked at me curiously, then stared at the 7 people.
"Harry, this is Jason, Hazel, Frank, Piper, Leo, Thalia, and Nico. Guys, this is Harry Potter or Harry." Percy introduced.
"Sup?" Harry said lifting her hand up in acknowledgement (A/N: Ugh such a long word). She then turned to Percy and I. "You guys were supposed to report to the Great Hall! Something about... revealing." Harry mumbled. "Hurry up."
When we arrived to the Great Hall, Professor Dumbledore announced, "Here comes the Demigods!"
We were all assuming that Dumbledore had given the speech about the Greek and Roman gods.
"Demigods! What freaks!" Draco yelled. Suddenly, thunder roared above us, sending everyone to shock. There was also a minor earthquake, obviously caused by Percy.
"Guys!" I hissed. "Calm down!" They all visually calmed. We all made our way and sat down at the Gryffindor table.
We all nodded towards each other, standing up in sync. We marched towards the podium, standing in front of it in a line.
"Good evening." I said calmly. "We should really reveal ourselves shouldn't we?"
"Yeah!" someone from the Hufflepuff table yelled. "We need to know who you are!"
"I'm Jason Grace, son of Jupiter. I can control lightening and can fly."
"I'm Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus. I can also control lightening and can fly, but I don't enjoy flying."
"I'm Piper Mclean, daughter of Aphrodite. I can charmspeak you into doing anything."
"Prove it!" a boy from the Slytherin table yelled.
"Stand up." Piper said, putting so much charmspeak into her words that the whole Great Hall stood up. "See?"
Everyone sat back down, confused.
"I'm Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto and I control precious gems and metal."
"I'm Nico DiAngelo, son of Hades and I control the dead." and with that, he raised an army of skeletons, freaking everyone from the Slytherin table out.
"I'm Frank Zhang, son of Mars and I can turn into any animal there is." He turned into a dragon, putting the Slytherin table on fire.
"I'm Leo FLAMING Valdez, son of Hephaestus and I can burst into FLAMES!!!!!" and with that, he literally bursted into flames, shooting little flame throwers at the Slytherin table, causing all of their uniforms to burn.
Percy sighed and doused Leo with water. "I'm Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, and I can control the water." He suddenly (again) doused the Slytherin table in water, making all of them choke.
"Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena and I'm... uh... very smart."
"Whats 3572x2364?" a girl from the Ravenclaw table asked.
"8,444,208." I immediately replied, getting a few claps from the Ravenclaw table. "Now, look what we did to the Slytherin table," after that, we walked off into the Gryffindor common room, leaving the laughter coursing throughout the Great Hall behind.

A/N: HEYYYYY!!!!! I'm gonna try to update weekly, and there are only 2 more full chapters left! *sobs dramatically* And then there's gonna be a prologue... So stay tuned! Cookies for you! (: :) (: :) (: :) (: :)

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