Chapter 13

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A/N: Lovely to be updating again! <3 Even Annabeth has auto correct problems! (I made the pic above!) On with the story!
Hermione's POV
Percy Jackson just turned me down, and then went for the other girl! I mean, she was probably a one-night stand for him. She was probably also just a dumb blonde... 
"So Annabeth." I said in a sweet voice before DADA (Defense Against the Dark Arts) started (A/N: They are outside and standing. I'm sorry I'm having a terrible writer's block and I can't think straight...) . "How did you get to know Percy?"
"Oh that Seaweed Brain?" Annabeth asked, laughing. "We met at our old magic school back in America when we were 12."
"Did you participate in the 2 major wars that Percy told Harry, Ron, and I about?" I asked again. I needed to get as much information about this girl so I could tell Percy that this girl was some dumb person.
Annabeth laughed again. "Without me, Percy would be dead by now. Of course I participated. I think I did the most after Percy. Also Hermione, I think that you should go in and sit down."
"Umm okay... But what about you?" I asked, looking inside of the classroom.
"Don't worry about me." Annabeth said, shooing me in. "Go in!" 
"Wait, one question." I said, standing against the door. "Why aren't you wearing your robes?"
"You'll know soon enough, Hermione." Annabeth said, slightly impatiently. "Now go in."
I did what Annabeth told me and went inside. All of the students were sitting in their assigned seats from Professor Snape, and thankfully, I got to seat next to Percy. 
Then, the door opened, and Annabeth stepped in. 
"Good afternoon class." she said, walking up to the teacher's desk. "I am your new defense against the dark arts teacher, Professor Chase. I will be your teacher for the rest of the year." 
"Good afternoon Professor Chase." the class chorused, obviously pleased that Snape wasn't here. 
I was shocked, and by the looks of Percy, he was too. 
"Very well. Today we are going to be learning about-" she started, but was cut short by two of my idiotic friends coming in late. 
"Sorry we're late Professor Snape." Harry panted, not looking up.
Ron nudged him, and whispered, "That's not Professor Snape!"
"Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasely, you are late!" Annabeth said. "What may your excuses be?"
"We got lost Professor." Ron mumbled.
"Very well then. Since this is the first class that I am teaching, I will not give you any punishment, but if this happens again..." she trailed off. "Anyways, I am Professor Chase and I am the new defense against the dark arts teacher."
When Harry and Ron took their seats, I leaned over and whispered. "You're 55.89 seconds late! Where were you?"
"Correction, Ms. Granger. 55.895769476452 seconds late. I could go on, but I would rather not, as you would all be here for the rest of the day." Annabeth said. "Perhaps that might be a punishment of some sort..."
I turned crimson red, and looked down at my desk.
"Any who, since there are no more possible interruptions, we shall continue with our lesson. So today, I am going to teach you how to sword fight." she said, and groans were heard from around the classroom. "Now, I know you all have your wands, but what if your wands were taken away? What might you do to defend yourselves?" 
Parvati raised her hand. "We could learn how to fight!"
"That is exactly what I mean by sword fight, Miss Pati." Annabeth remarked, swishing her wand to make a stage right in the middle of desks. "Who would like to challenge me?"
I felt Percy raise his hand up, and I immediately tried to pull it back down. 
"Anyone except for Mr. Jackson?" she asked, scanning the room. "Ah, Mr. Potter. You would like to challenge me?"
Harry nodded, making his way up. 
Annabeth quickly swished her wand, and a table with wooden knives appeared in front of Harry. "Pick wisely, Mr. Potter." she said, as she grabbed a dagger for herself. 
Harry chose a long sword, and climbed onto the stage. 
"On three, we start the battle. Ready, Mr. Potter?" Annabeth said, looking straight at Harry.
Harry, once again nodded, and got ready.
"Three!" Annabeth said, and flung the sword from Harry's grip.
"That was weak, Mr. Potter." she taunted. "I expected more from the 'Boy who Lived and killed Voldemort'."
Harry sighed and walked back to his seat. 
"I'll show you how a real battle goes like. Mr. Jackson, come up here and let's show them how it's done." Annabeth said, putting back her wooden sword. She whipped up something from her robe, and it was a real sword!
I gasped in horror as Percy made it down to the stage. He whipped up a pen, and strangely, it turned into a sword. 
"Now, Mr. Jackson-" Annabeth started.
"Percy. Please Annabeth..." Percy shook his head. "I know it's your class, but this feels weird."
Annabeth shrugged, and said. "Now, Percy and I will show you how it is actually done, so that you can learn how to actually sword fight, and not Mr. Potter's measly attempt."
"Percy." Annabeth said. "On three."
Percy nodded, getting into a battle stance.
"Three!" Annabeth said, but none of the duo attacked. 
(A/N: I am no good at battles so please do bear with me!) They circled each other, like two hawks. And then, Annabeth made the first move. She tried to stab Percy in the side, but Percy ducked, and swung his leg from underneath of Annabeth. She did a backflip, narrowly missing Percy's kick. Annabeth turned back around and aimed for his head. As she tried to stab him, Percy's leg went up, and nearly kicked Annabeth in the stomach. This went on until Percy finally managed to get Annabeth's sword away from her and his sword on her throat. 
"I win." Percy said. Annabeth didn't say anything, and just leaned up and kissed him. Percy kissed back, and a few seconds after that, Annabeth flipped both of them around, so she was on top of Percy. 
"No. I win." 

A/N: Finally done! 1008 words, a record! I just love you guys so much! I'm just giving credit to popsicle0246 for asking me to make the chapters longer! I'll keep working on it! I know that I couldn't go over 1008, but next time, I promise I'll make it longer! <3 you guys! BTW, I'm having a terrible writers block! Help!

Q.O.T.D. : Which titan helped Percabeth escape Tartarus? (If you don't know this then I shall murder you in your sleep and then send you to the field of punishment! In the field of punishment, I shall set the fangirl's rage on you!) (No searching up! 😝)

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