Chapter 9

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A/N: I'm back! Who missed me? No one? Okay... /(-_-)\ On with the story!
When the train arrived at Hogwarts, I couldn't help admiring the huge castle. I know I'm no Annabeth, but the out of the castle was fabulous. All the stairs and the poles and the... OH NO!!! I'VE BEEN SPENDING TOO MUCH TIME WITH ANNABETH!!!! (Not that it's bad of course)
As soon as we got off the train, we had to ride this boat to go to the castle. In the boat,
I made friends! Like Bob the squid... -__- HAHA WHALE FACE!!!! Ehem I meant that the boat ride was great!
As soon as we got off the boat... why am I just boring you? Let's just skip to the Grand Hall for gods' sake!
-()-()-()-()-()-()-() Time Skip -()-()-()-()-()-()-()
I had to stand outside the big doors for what seemed like hours!!! Then I heard Prof. McGonagall announce: "And let us welcome, the new American student, Perseus Jackson!"
Then I banged the doors open and flew in (Annabeth: He didn't. He's exaggerating. Percy: ANNIE!!!) Everybody stared at me in aw. (Annabeth: Or because he's stupid. Percy: ANNIE!!!)
Suddenly, I found myself sitting on a stool with a wrinkly old hat on my head. "I am not a wrinkly old hat!" A voice said in my mind. "I am the Sorting Hat!!"

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