Chapter 8

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Harry's POV
I really hated him. He seemed to get everything, the girls, the attention... Percy Jackson, I mean.
Seriously people, the boy who lived here!!!!!!
Bloody hell, they have no taste in heroes.
Anyways, Ron, Hermione and Jackson came into my compartment. I greeted Ron and Hermione with a cold nod, and gave Percy my best glare. HE. DIDNT. FLINCH. How is that possible?
I mean, Mr. Awesome giving you a death glare!!!!
Then, Draco Malfoy came into our compartment. "Weasel, Potter, Mud-blood, and... another mud-blood, how about that?"
Percy stood up, angry. "I have more magic in my blood then your entire blood line, Maldoll!!!!"
"Malfoy." Draco Malfoy corrected, looking furious. "And, no one in this world has more magic in my blood!"
Percy said, "Oh really? Then why is your great great great grandfather a mud-blood, huh?"
"My great great great grandfather was not a mud-blood!!!!" Malfoy protested, but Percy shoved him outside and shut the door.
"Shut up, Maldoll!!" Percy growled.
"It's Malfoy!!!!" We heard Malfoy scream, and Percy snickered.
"Anyways... Harry, can you please stop glaring at me? Or I'll have to glare back!" Percy said, looking amused.
"Go ahead, your glare can't be scarier than mine!" I taunted, and Percy glared at me. God (A/N: Gods, plural, idiot) his glare was scary. It was like his eyes had turned into a hurricane and was coming right at me.
I turned away, scared.
A/N: Wow, I'm making Harry sound so bad! Eh. Whatever. That makes it more entertaining! :)

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