chapter 3

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Sua pov

I ran towards her and crouched down. I took her shoulders in my hands and started shaking her body, hoping that she would wake up. A teacher had been walking in the hallway and heard my scream. She came inside to check what was wrong. She stared at me shaking Siyeon's body for a split second before taking her phone out of her pocket and calling an . After a few minutes she The took my hands and tried to gently pull me away from Siyeon.

"She will be ok. The ambulance is on their way. You did well."

I let myself drop down to the ground and she let go of my hands. I pulled my legs up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. I watched as the paramedics came in and put her on a stretcher. They rolled her to the ambulance and drove off to the hospital. I hadn't even noticed until now, but tears were falling from my eyes. Why was I crying, I didn't even know her.

The bell rang, I was still sitting on the floor. I was thinking about those few seconds before she fell. She had stared right at me...she didn't avoid me. I wasn't used to that. Normally everyone just pretended like I wasn't there, but when she had looked me right into my eyes. My heart had just stopped. I shook my head. "Get yourself together Bora." I slowly got up and went to class. I was late but I didn't care. My head was occupied with the image of Siyeon laying on the floor. I heard the teacher yell at me, but it just sounded like mumbling in the background. I sat down behind my desk and stared in front of me. The teacher decided to ignore me and went on with their class.

Third person pov

The ambulance arrived at the hospital. Once the ambulance had left the school the teacher had called Siyeon's parents and they were on their way. The paramedics took Siyeon to the ER.

"Student, 18 years old, female, collapsed at school for an unknown reason." One of them informed the doctor. They ran a number of tests her. Turned out, she hadn't eaten much that day. her stomach was practically empty. Her parents arrived at the hospital. They walked to the front desk and were greeted by one of the nurses. She explained what had happened to Siyeon. Their reaction was the opposite of what she had expected. She expected them to be worried out of their minds, but they seemed annoyed instead. She started feeling so bad for the poor girl. Sadly she had no other choice than doing her job, there was nothing she could do for Siyeon. She pointed her parents to her room and walked back to the front desk.

Siyeon pov

I felt like I got hit by a bus. I barely remembered what had happened. I started retracing my steps. I got up this morning, went to school, I got to class, ate lunch....that's when it came back to me. I had gone to the restroom and passed out. But I wasn't alone there, the girl from this morning, she was there too. I slowly opened my eyes. I had a bad headache, the brightness of the sun shining inside the room wasn't helping much. I saw my parents sitting in the corner of the room. My dad noticed that I had woken up and walked toward me.

"I thought I told you not to cause any trouble."

His expression was dead serious. It felt like he was going to kill me with a single stare. I looked away, desperately trying to avoid his gaze.


"It's too late for sorry's. Because of you we had to leave work. Make sure it doesn't happen again, next time I won't be so nice. We give you everything you could ever want and this is how you repay us."

I started fidgeting with my hands and nodded. I kept my gaze down, unable to look him in the eyes. I felt like a disappointment.

"We are going back home now, we'll be back to pick you up tomorrow. Make sure you're ready to leave." My mom said.

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