chapter 7

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Siyeon pov

It was finally lunch time. I was sitting at my usual table with Yoohyeon and Minji. While eating, I looked around, hoping I would catch a glimpse of Bora. For some reason I was just drawn to the girl's quiet aura, it just made her more interesting. I saw her sitting a few tables away from us with the girls I'd seen her with before.

"I have to go do something, I'll see you guys later." I said while getting up from my chair.

"Ok, see you later." Yoohyeon replied a bit confused.

Her head turned as I arrived at her table. Her eyes big and looking at me curiously.

"Hi Bora, hi friends of Bora." I said and gave them a soft smile. "Can you come with me, I need to talk to you about something. "

She looked at me, looking deep in thought.


Before she had the time to rethink her answer I took her hand in mine and walked to the exit, she lingered a bit behind me. I took her all the way outside the school, to a near park. For me it was like my comfort place. My parents weren't there, there weren't a lot of other students or people in general, it was just quiet. This was a place that I only came to with people that mattered deeply to me, why I had brought her here, that question I couldn't even answer myself.

I sat down on the floor, my back against a tree, and patted the space next to me. She hesitantly lowered her body and sat down on the appointed place.

"Its beautiful here. But uhm...why exactly did you bring me here?"

"I just wanted to talk."

"Talk about what?"

"Well, I never got to ask my question in the restroom."

"Oh yeah.. about that. Sorry, I panicked."

"It's ok." I said, giving her a reassuring smile. A small smile appeared on her face in return.

"So uhm, I wanted to ask if you came to visit me in the hospital?"

Her eyes widened a bit and she looked down at her hands.

"Yeah, that was me..."

"Can I ask, why did you come visit me?"

"I uhm... was worried.... You didn't look very well when you passed out and I wanted to make sure you were ok."

I saw a slight blush creep up her cheeks and my heart melted. She had thought of me, worried about me. Besides Minji and Yoohyeon I never felt like anyone did. I was a stranger to her, yet she went out of her way to check up on me, even if she had no obligation to.

"That's so nice of you." I paused for a second before continuing. "But if you were there, why didn't you come in?"

"I thought I might seem like a stalker" She looked up at me and smiled, but it quickly faded again. "and your parents were there."

I looked down. parents.

"Well maybe you are a stalker.", I joked.

She laughed and looked up once again.

"Give me your phone Ms. Stalker."

"Oh reallyyyy, are you going to call me that?"

Her loud laugh filled the air while she handed me her phone.

"You're not a very good stalker if you didn't have my number already tho. Guess even stalkers need help sometimes."


"Now that you have my number, maybe we can be friends?"

"I would like that."


I saw Dongmin walk up to us from the corner of my eye. Once he got close enough he kissed me and looked at Bora.

"I was looking all over the school for you. Who is this?"

"Bora meet Dongmin, my boyfriend. Dongmin meet Bora, my friend."

I smiled at Bora and saw a bit of her tension fade when I did.

"Nice to meet you Bora."

Sua pov

FRIEND, SHE CALLED ME HER FRIEND. I couldn't help but smile back when I noticed her smiling at me.

"Nice to meet you Bora."

His expression was rather annoyed, but I couldn't care less. He was probably just a bit bothered that Siyeon didn't wait for him at lunch like usual. He took her hand and gently urged her to stand up.

"Want to come with us?"

She asked as she allowed herself to be pulled on her feet.

"Yeah, sure."

We walked back to the school. I saw that Handong and Gahyeon were talking to somebody. It only took me a second to recognize the girl from one of the many pictures that Gahyeon had showed us. I walked to them, Siyeon following close behind me. She had said goodbye to Dongmin and he had left to talk with his friends. As we arrived they stopped talking and Handong and Gahyeon stared at Siyeon.

"Hi you must be Yubin, Gahyeon told us a lot of things about you. Don't worry, only good things."

"Since I already met Handong, I'm guessing you're Sua?"

"The one and only."

"That leaves the question, who are you?"

She turned to Siyeon with an interested expression, waiting patiently for her answer.

"I'm Siyeon, a friend of Bora."

Handong and Gahyeon's yaws dropped. Yubin didn't seem to notice and continued with the story she had been telling before we arrived. Handong moved closer to me and spoke softly so Yubin wouldn't be interrupted again.

"Can we talk?"


And here I am again lmao. So far Ive been able to keep up with the 2 chapters a week and Im pretty happy about that:)

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