Chapter 4 {Try Not To Simp For Mondo Owada}

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This will take place before the killing school life. 

Mondo is sure rude to everyone else, but when it comes to you, he is suddenly so soft.

Mondo has tried to teach you how to ride a motorcycle, but you couldn't get it right and whenever you nearly fell off, you'd both die of laughter.

Since you couldn't ride a motorcycle, you'd ride behind Mondo as he drove it.

The way you two met was when you were a freshman, and you were getting picked on by the other students. This went on forever. Mondo had just come back from getting suspended. Once he saw the other kids emptying your backpack and throwing your own stuff at you, he reacted quite harshly.


"What the fuck are you guys doing to them?"

You looked up from the ground.

The crowd of students were completely silent. 


"Well? Answer me!"

Still no answer.

Mondo grabbed someone's hood and threw them onto the lockers.


What is he doing? Who is he? Why is he doing this?

Random Student

"I'm sorry! We won't do it again! Right, guys?!"

The crowd of students shakily nodded their heads in fear.



Mondo will defend anyone who is being picked on.


"Just because I saved your petty ass doesn't mean we're best friends for the rest of our god damn lives."


"Th-Thank you! Are you new here?"

You asked, catching up with Mondo as he was walking quite quickly.


"No. I just came back from a month's suspension."


A month?! He must've done something really bad!


"What do you want?"


"Hey, why don't we be friends?"



Mondo's face became slightly pink.


"Yeah, you heard me! Friends!"


"Mmm... I don't know."


"Why not?"


"Hey, I never said I didn't want to be your friend!"


"So that means we can be friends? You seem like a really cool person!"


Me? A... Cool person? "Fine... But you better not get in my way."

From that day on, you hung out with Mondo and went wherever he went. He enjoyed it sometimes, and he wasn't lonely anymore. You were probably the only person who wasn't scared of him in your school.

Sometimes he'll try to impress you, but he ends up failing at doing so because he'll get nervous. You'll just laugh at him.

When you get him all flustered, he shouts at you which makes you instantly go quiet. But he apologizes right after.

You both enjoy going to restaurants, usually filled with junk food. You both also enjoy working out together and keeping yourselves fit. 

When Mondo's about to do something reckless or beat up a person, he always stops if you're there to make him resist. But if you're not there, he'll go find you and he'll apologize for not resisting.

Try Not To Simp (Trigger Happy Havoc Edition)Where stories live. Discover now