Chapter 9 {Try Not To Simp For Aoi Asahina}

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Before the killing school life

You were quite the swimmer in your elementary school. Although, there was a girl that would always "steal" your spotlight and pass by you when swimming. She earned the title Ultimate Swimming Pro and entered Hope's Peak. Everything was going well until she came along. You always planned on earning an Ultimate Title and attending Hope's Peak, but she took it away from you. You felt forgotten and had just given up on everything. You quit the swimming team and didn't feel like trying anymore.

You'd just started attending secondary school, and while exploring a bit, you saw a huge pool. Bigger than the one at your previous school. The pool at your elementary school was already huge.

You stared at it for quite a long time.

Random Student

"Are you okay?"


"Oh. Yeah.. Sorry."

You shook your head and started making your way to your first class. You finally finished your first day. While on your way to getting out of the building, you again stopped by the window of the pool and started to stare at it. 


Should I really?

You put a small grin on your face and went to the locker room.


It's been so long...

Even though years had passed, you'd still refuse to go swimming. It didn't matter if it were a pool or a beach. Any type of water, you refused to swim in. 


"Hey! What are you doing here?!"

You heard someone yell, behind you. You looked over in the direction where the voice came from. 


I don't know what to say to her...

You just kept quiet. 


"You're a quiet one, huh."

The girl put on her goggles and started swimming away.


"Do I know you from somewhere?"


"I don't think so. I don't think I've ever seen your face before!"

She replied, right after she was finished her first round.

Once you got a clearer image of her face, you finally recognized her.


"You're Aoi Asahina!"


"Oh, am I famous?"


"N-No, it's not that... We went to the same elementary school."


"Oh yeah! You're that swimming person!"


Yeah... The swimming person that was upset when you stole the opportunity of getting into Hope's Peak.


"Huh? Why are you suddenly quiet?"


"Wait- I don't understand why you're here if you attend Hope's Peak.


"Oh, I'm going to be a lifeguard at this school in a few days. I just thought that I should get to get used to the water here a bit more."


"So basically, you're going to be here for quite a while..."




"Okay. I'll get going now."


"Wait! Why did you come here and not even swim?"


I can't tell her she's the reason... That'd be rude. "I don't know I just... I just don't feel like it anymore."


"I know what's going on."

You gasped.


"I know what you're feeling. You're angry because once I moved to your elementary school, I was a better swimmer. And you're angry because I got into Hope's Peak, and you didn't."


"You don't have to shove it in my face!"


"I-I wasn't trying to do that!"

You angrily started to walk your way back into the locker room.


"Y/N wait!"

She jumped out of the pool then started running to you.

Of course, since her feet were wet, she slipped and fell. 

You heard a thump behind you.



You ran over to her and didn't slip because you had no trace of water on yourself.


"I-I'm sorry! This is all my fault! Do you need ice? Where does it hurt?"


"I'm perfectly fine. That was just a test, to see if you'd care or not."

You then realized your hands were all over her, and you went red.




"I wasn't shoving it all in your face, I was going to apologize. It must be horrible seeing someone take away what you worked hard for. If you want to, we can come here every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday to swim together. Those are the only days I'm free from work."

You agreed to it, and Aoi gave you some more tips on how to be a better swimmer.

During the killing school life


"There's a pool, there's a pool, there's a pool, there's a pool, there's a pool, there's a pool, there's a pool, there's a pool!"

Aoi continuously said, her voice getting higher and higher. 


"Yeah yeah, Aoi I know!"


"We've gotta go there right now! And by right now, I mean right now!"

Aoi took your hands and started to run toward the pool. You quickly dressed up and exited the locker room. She was so hyperactive, she was basically screaming, her screams being echoed through the room of the pool. 

She took your hands again and you both jumped into the water.

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