Chapter 7 {Try Not To Simp For Celestia Ludenberg}

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CONTAINS SPOILERS (Basically just Celestia's real identity)

Before the killing school life

You were just on your way home, walking in the rain with an umbrella over your head. A cat came up to you, coming to your liking. 


"Ah, it seems like he's taken a liking to you."



You glared at the gray cat, meowing and crawling around you.


"Alright, you can stop bothering them, Grand Bois Chéri."


Grand Bois Chéri? That's rather a... weird name for a cat. 


"Since my cat has taken such a liking toward you, I'd like to invite you over for tea."


"But we barely know each other... Oh! My name is Y/N. You are?"


"My name is Celestia Ludenberg, but you can call me Celeste. Now come on dear, we must have tea."


Hehe... Her accent is pretty pleasing for some reason. "Okay so... You invited a stranger to tea because...?"


"If my cat likes you, then I shall take a liking to you too."


"All because of... a cat?"




"Wow... That must mean that your cat is super important to you."


"That would be extremely correct. Now, how would you like to gamble with me?"


"W-Wait, gamble?!"


"That is correct. Gamble."


"Oh, well... The thing is, I don't really know how to gamble..."


"Ah, I see. Then, shall we do something else? Perhaps we can play a card game."


"Y-Yeah sure, that sounds much better than gambling.

Celeste and you played a game of cards while talking to each other about your everyday lives.


"Oh my... We do have a lot of differences between our lives."


"Hehe, yeah... I'm still surprised by what you told me."

A short silence stood between you two. 


"Hey, do you think maybe we could go to an art museum sometime?"


"An art museum? I actually... Well,"

Celeste stood silent, coming up with the words she was going to say.


"I haven't actually been to one before. I'd love to go and see one with you."


With me? "That's great! We can go now!"

During the killing school life


"I'm back, Tae-"

You realized the others were already gathered up in the dining hall.


"I mean- Celeste."

Celeste only let you know about her real identity, and that her accent was fake.

You gave her a cup of tea and sat down at the table with her.


"Thank you, Y/N."


"Eh?! You never thank me when I make you your tea!"


"You see Hifumi, Y/N is different."


"That doesn't make any sense!"

You were one of the people that Celeste trusted. This is surprising, because she usually not close with anyone and doesn't trust literally anybody. But, in the words of Celeste, you're different. 

Many think that Celeste is pretty selfish, but around you she acts completely different. She can act like herself and speak without her accent when she's hanging out with you. Although, she has to keep her accent when talking to you in front of others. When alone with her, she's a whole other person.

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