அ Chapter Seventeen அ

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I could use a canary

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I could use a canary.

It took everything in Nikolas to cover his mind as he walked through Stark International. The talent was a specifically designed action that Nikolas had spent years attempting to perfect while working alongside his old Professor.

The overall basics of it was that each time a mind entered his realm of feeling, a realm that extended as far as a mile in any direction, he would influence it in a way that came unnaturally. Nikolas' least favorite thing is influencing those around him, as the action usually leaves whoever it is sort of confused and it leaves the young doctor feeling extremely drained.

But either way, in the present moment, Nikolas could influence the minds around him to either not notice him at all, or forget about him the moment they looked away. It was a wonderful talent to have for moments like this, but still something he attempted to rarely use.

And using this gift while walking through Stark International felt almost like he was breaking into his own home. He could remember growing up in these halls, his lab and workroom just a few floors away.

Nikolas pushed the idea out of his mind as he turned the final corner to his dad's office.

Before leaving the workshop, Nikolas had told Pepper to follow him to the office building ten minutes after he left, that way her arrival was not suspicious but rather a normal time she would be in. Nikolas also, surprisingly, drove himself, solely because he did not want to put Happy in any more danger than he was potentially already in and it gave Nikolas another attempt at driving.

Which he quickly decided he did not enjoy, once again.

But either way, once Pepper entered the building, Nikolas would know and find her to pass the thumb drive to her and continue to his workspace on sight. His dad insisted that he did not have to, but some part of Nikolas knew there was one specific prototypes that would be dangerous if anyone, especially Obadiah, got their hands on.

Even the passing thought made a feeling of anxiety rise in his chest, his hands flapping at his sides as he attempted to take deep breaths.

His dad's office was at the end of the hall, and when Nikolas opened the door he felt almost strange. The office was rather large, and featured a massive dramatic window that Nikolas had distinct memories of pressing his face against the glass as a child and looking out at the sky wanting more than anything to fly.

The memory felt hollow as he stepped into the office for what felt like the last time.

Crossing the room happened with no issue, his left leg thunking in a way that felt unnatural and unwelcomed. It was his own fault for not getting use to the use of the leg sooner. His left leg rang in a high pitched clear sound as it tapped against the metal post of the desk, Nikolas flinched away from the sound.

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