அ Chapter Nineteen அ

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All I have ever known is how to hold my own

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All I have ever known is how to hold my own.

Tony began feeling restless the moment his son left the house.

He knew that there was no better option than sending his son, as he could reasonably handle himself and had insisted that he be the one to go. But that did not stop the growing concern with every minute that passed.

Nikolas had grown into a brave young man, Tony knew this. He knew his son could handle himself, but that did not change the fact that he could still be overstimulated by too many people, or even a much to loud noise.

Tony had prepared his son to be independent, set him up for success in all the ways that he knew best, but the knowledge that his son had not chosen to build his own life just yet made the older Stark hyper aware of the needs that still needed to be met.

He had tried to distract himself at first with his son being gone.

Tony started first with modifications to the Mark 2 armor, fixing the few damaged pieces from his skirmish in Gulmira and focusing on making it combat ready should it need to be. But the task had not taken long, and he moved on to verbalizing notes to Jarvis about the construction of future armor and questions that he had for Nikolas.

Then, thinking about Nikolas had him getting worried again and he had been tempted to call him.

This temptation lasted all of three minutes before Jarvis interrupted; "I do not believe that would be a good idea sir."

Tony did not want to admit it, but the AI was right. He thought through the past few days, his mind finding its way back to thinking about Nikolas and more specifically about his loosing consciousness in the lab. "J?"

"Yes sir?"

"Pull up the security footage from yesterday, while I was in Gulmira?"

The screen nearest to Tony came to life, a video began to play as Jarvis replied, "Trying to figure out what happened?"

"Or what questions to ask." Tony finished the AI's question with his own question.

The video was just the same as he had suspected. The audio coming through the speakers was specific, all dialogue that he could specifically remembering his son saying during his fight. What had been a question that Tony did not want to ask, was how his leg had ended up across the room, though his son took control of the situation quickly.

When it reached the moment that Tony could remember his son appearing beside him, his son stood tall despite the missing appendage. He seemed to fade for just a moment, a mirage of his tall wings stood on his back outlining the air around him in a dark halo as he stood perfectly still.

It was jarring for Tony to see his son standing perfectly still, as Nikolas was always moving in some capacity. A few moments of his son standing still passed before Nikolas' entire body lifted from the ground, his voice commanding as he counted down, his voice just barely a whisper despite the way it carried.

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