அ Chapter Four அ

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It is a sad tale

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It is a sad tale. It is a tragedy.

Nikolas could care less about dramatic speeches and threatening words. His mind could recognize the danger, but his eyes could not focus on Raza as he traipsed around the room flaunting his power. The man's words were too distant, the throbbing pain in the Doctor's leg and the urge to pass out growing stronger with every moment that he stood.

"-whoever holds the latest Stark weapons rules these lands."

The moment Raza turned and started to approach Niko, the young doctor felt as though his blood ran could. Unconsciously, his gifts started to react under his skin but he held them back, keeping his head and eyes forward as the man slowly walked closer.

"And soon, it will be my turn."

Raza was fully aware of the fact that he was in control, and Nikolas could recognize this. The man could easily take everything away from either Stark men without breaking a sweat, a simple wave of his hand and either's life could end with only the memories of another left behind.

"You pretend to not show fear." Raza's voice was quiet enough that the words were just between Nikolas and him. The doctor looked him in the eyes with a firm gaze he could not usually muster. "But you fear me."

Nikolas wanted to react, to throw Raza back with a slight lift of his chin and attempt an escape but his eyes moved from Raza to his father standing across the cave and the slight shake of his head told Nikolas no.

Nikolas felt the urge to rock back and forth, his hand had already begun a quick tapping against his thigh as he attempted to not loose control. The sharp pain associated with his fingertips pressing into the wound helped him to stay in the here and now despite the implications.

"That is enough." His dad's voice was firm as he spoke, the specific tone he used was one that Nikolas heard only rarely. It was the one he used to protect his son and he let the urge take precedence over his own safety as Tony took a step forward. The clicking of every gun in the room being pointed at him prompted a re-lifting of his hands above his head, no fear in his eyes as he stared Raza down.

When Raza reached for him, Nikolas flinched away though he did not make it any distance that could change the fact that Raza grabbed at the loose collar of his shirt.

The man pulled on it exposing the tall points of black tattoo ink  instantly with the movement of the shirt. He made a curious humming noise.

Raza did not turn away, his eyes searched Nikolas' face for something that the Doctor was not sure of as he pressed a fingertip to the tattoo. "Why have you failed me?" His question was directed at the young Doctor, he did not reply.

"We are working, diligently." Yinsen spoke, a scarcely veiled attempt at trying to break Raza's concentration and bring his attention to the others in the room rather than his newfound friend in the not medical doctor.

It was that that made the man turn, and the moment his concentration was no longer on Nikolas, the doctor rocked aggressively a few times. The lack of focus on him was a comfort and the touch of the man was sending him closer and closer to overstimulation with every consideration. Nikolas locked eyes with his dad, drawing on the kindness found there in an attempt to keep himself calm.

The white hot stabs of pain from every hit to his thigh helped to keep him focused, despite the inherent pain associated with the action.

Raza seemed to find Nikolas' actions humorous. He turned to leave, just barely pausing at the door and glancing back.

"You have until tomorrow to assemble my missile. Or I kill the boy."

It was obvious to who he was speaking but Nikolas did not feel any panic in himself at the threat.

The moment the doors shut, his dad crossed the room reacting to Nikolas' vocal cry of pain in such a specific way that the young doctor felt he could disappear into his father's arms. His dad had touched Nikolas without permission but in this moment it was allowed. The hand beating against his thigh stopped and his tears slowed.

The words of Raza echoed through his mind; "You have until tomorrow to assemble my missile. Or I kill the boy."

It was a disappointing positive to it all, no matter what the Ten Rings, and Raza by extension, did they would not be in possession of a Jericho missile. Solely for the reason that if they kill Nikolas the missile cannot be completed, and if they do not kill Nikolas the missile will not fire.

Nikolas could not help but consider this further, his dad helped him to be seated feeding him small pieces of information and providing the tools he needed to complete his work, but beyond that Nikolas was left to his thoughts.

Years ago, he could not have considered being locked in a cave in the middle of nowhere, under the threat of loosing his life unless he was willing to kill others.

Up until two years ago, Nikolas had been a recluse of sorts. He found comfort in staying at the house that he shared with his dad and leaving solely for his lectures, beyond that he found no reason to leave the house and simply did not.

And now, he had gone on a weapons demonstration in a foreign country which meant doing so many things he had not been ready to do.

But as he sat on the floor of a dirty cave in more pain than he could ever verbalize with blueprints and mathematics running through his mind he could not imagine a different awakening.

The hum of his gifts and the adrenaline fueled idea of escape prompted speedy and steady hands.

Nikolas took a deep breath before beginning again.

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