அ Chapter Seventeen அ

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Wind comes up

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Wind comes up.

Nikolas finds Rogue on accident after leaving the Professor. His mind does not actively search for her, but he finds her nonetheless. She's sitting in the garden with Bobby, her gloved hand in his. They whisper to each other with bright smiles and Nikolas is more than happy to see that she has some sort of normalcy resting beside her mutation.

Nikolas walks towards them slowly, his eyes bouncing between the ground and the pair in front of him. His wings ache on his back, and while he does his best to give them a chance to stretch above his head, he can feel the need to groom them. The dried blood and broken feather tips had already started to bother him.

The sun is setting slowly, golden tendrils of light dancing through the trees as he approaches. "Rogue." Nikolas calls her name softly, his voice speaking in her mind more than verbally.

She turns, grinning brightly and standing to meet him half way. Bobby trails behind, almost like a puppy. "Doctor!" Rogue wants to hug him, but holds back in part because of her own powers and the other part because of her vague knowledge of his sensitivity to touch. "How are you feeling?"

Hearing the young mutant speak now let Nikolas catch her accent, a distinctly Southern Belle one that made the Doctor feel reminiscent of an old movie his dad liked to watch.

Nikolas smiles, "Better." He looks to Bobby, "Sorry about earlier." He is speaking in reference to throwing the younger man across the room and finds himself wincing at the memory.

The elemental waves off the apology, "Caught me by surprise is all." Bobby does not have an accent. "You look good." He motions a hand to the Doctor's wings, his eyes looking at Nikolas' wings so intensely that for just a moment he thought Bobby was going to freeze them where they sat.

"I wanted to speak to you about your powers Rogue." Nikolas did not, but decided to take the opportunity now that it had presented itself.

She tenses immediately, her arms crossing over her stomach as she took in a deep shaking breath. "Okay." Rogue sounds hesitant and Nikolas smiles in a way that he hopes brings comfort.

"I want you to take my hand," Nikolas begins to hold his hand out to her, before pausing and looking around the space that they are in. He brushes a hand through the sky and the space around him clears with practice ease, benches and potted plants moving across the gravel to stack along the walls.

There is just barely enough space in the garden but Nikolas believes that he can hold back whatever damage that arises from gifting Rogue his powers.

Logan enters at the edge of Nikolas' mind, his subconscious loud and welcomed. He is looking for Nikolas, but the Doctor is not going to help in this matter.

Nikolas holds his hand out to the young girl and as a response Bobby takes a few steps back from both the Doctor and Rogue. "Take my hand Rogue, I trust you." He was paraphrasing, he trusted the Professor, which meant by extension he trusted the fact that Rogue would not harm him on purpose.

She nodded slowly, her hands shaking as she reached to remove the glove from her left hand. Rogue set her hand in his delicately and the feeling was almost immediate.

Rogue was powerful, the moment her bare skin touched his he could feel his energy starting to seep away. She gripped his gingers almost immediately and Nikolas wanted more than anything to pull away.

He fed the connection easily, pushing his gifts through his fingertips and into her. He started off simply, gifting her with telekinesis that he knew would be the easiest for her to control and understand. The moment the transfer pushed through, Nikolas attempted to pull his hand from her, only to realize the connection would not break.

"Rogue, let go of my hand." Nikolas' voice broke as he spoke, the feeling of his life force being pulled away from him felt worse than any amount of overstimulation.

It was as if every nerve was exposed to the elements, the harder he tried to pull free the firmer she gripped his fingertips. It was not meant to be sinister but Nikolas felt as though he could not breathe.

"Rogue-" His voice would not comply, his legs fell out from under him and everything that he felt was magnified. Nikolas put all of his concentration into holding the shield's firm in his mind.

He knew that Rogue could handle telekinesis, it was a basic power manipulation that most understood the schematics of but if she were to get a hold of his telepathy or whatever was coming from his abilities to see the future;

The damage would be untold.

Hands grabbed his shoulders, pulling him free from the hold that Rogue had him in. Nikolas gasped as he fell, his wings hitting the ground before the rest of him, the feeling painful but welcomed solely for the fact that it meant Rogue no longer had hold on him.

She was apologizing, but all Nikolas could focus on was Logan's hands on him. The larger man was forcing calming emotions through the skin to skin contact in such a way that Nikolas knew he had done it before.

"Breathe Nikolas," Logan's voice was warm in his mind. "Breathe for me."

It was the first time Nikolas felt entirely compelled to listen to someone else. He took deep breaths, ones that calmed him easily and brought the world back into tune. Rogue was still apologizing her accented voice entirely unwelcomed in this moment.

When Nikolas spoke it was in an echoing voice that reached out mentally, "You are forgiven Rogue. I was not ready for the amount of power that you would take, but will be prepared in the future."

Rogue had tears in her eyes, a few pots behind her shifted. "You still want to help me?" Her voice broke slightly as her hand wiped the tears off of her cheeks.

Nikolas nodded as a reply, his eyes slipping shut despite his protests.

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