அ Chapter Sixteen அ

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I could use a canary

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I could use a canary.

Tony Stark found his son in a heap on the floor of their workspace, his head covered by both his arms and his entire body convulsing every few seconds.

His first thought was pure panic.

"Jarvis!" He shouted loudly, kneeling beside his son and reaching for him despite the fact that he was still in the Mark 2 suit. "Check him, check him- is it the heart? The- the lungs?"

Tony rolled his son onto his back, smoothing his hair off of his forehead and wishing more than anything that he could feel for his son's pulse on the side of his throat despite the metal suit he was currently wearing.

"It appears to be overexertion sir." Jarvis' accented voice spoke clearing through the intercoms, "If you would look to the screen sir."

Tony looked up to find a full body scan of Nikolas on the largest of the screens. It marked his heart rate by the side, alongside his blood oxygen and other numbers that Tony could not place in his still panicked mind.

"So he's okay?" He trailed off as he said it, frowning and looking down at his son once again. "Can I move him?"

Jarvis took a moment to reply, "I believe that would be best sir."

Tony nodded, though he new the A.I. could not really understand the nod. He moved carefully, starting first with his son's head and lifting it to rest on his chest at where his neck turned into his shoulder, before hooking his son's right knee over his forearm.

The closest spot that could even be considered comfortable was the back seat of the Ford Roaster that Nikolas spent most of his time working on and so Tony set him there carefully, brushing his hair back from his head and throwing a blanket across his torso before stepping away.

"Watch his temperature." Tony instructed Jarvis who confirmed that he could with a simple 'will do.'

Tony moved towards the rings, watching as they lifted to remove the suit from his shoulders and chest. It took an obscene amount of time for the armor to even be knocked loose and by the time that it had Pepper Potts had made an appearance.

"Are those bullet holes?" She said it in a bit of a screeching sound and for the first time Tony was glad for the fact that Nikolas was asleep so that he wouldn't have to react to it all. "Oh my god Tony-"

The older Stark looked over his shoulder, grinning in a pained way as Jarvis successfully pulled the chest plate off of his front. "Oh this is not the worst thing you've caught me doing."

It appeared that the words calmed her for just a moment until she saw Nikolas asleep in the back seat of the car. "Is he alright?" Nikolas shifted at her words, his mouth moving in silent words that Pepper only came to notice as she stepped closer. "He's saying something."

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