Endeavour Nikolas Stark is perfectly fine as is.
As a child he had been extraordinary, finding a home among the friendliest of people at Charles Xavier's School For the Gifted, and finding himself Gifted in many ways just beyond the X-Gene in his DN...
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Take if you can.
Nikolas was ready for it, or at least appeared to be.
He leapt from the bed, all care for his missing leg tossed out the shattered window as he lifted his hands and threw the men back out the way he came. Nikolas bent to retrieve his leg as the window pieced itself back together. Logan felt as though he were stuck in some sort of stupor as he watched Nikolas move.
"Logan!" Nikolas shouted the man's name as he pushed his residual limb into the socket of the prosthesis. The larger man snapped out of it- "I'm telling the students now. There are fifty-three students in the building, more than half are under the age of fifteen. We need to get them out first."
Logan nodded, his back straightening as he took control of the situation. "I'll get them out through the basement." He started to turn to leave before hesitating, "Will you be alright?"
Nikolas groaned, stepping towards the man and pulling him down to force eye contact. The larger man bent slightly at the waist, watching Nikolas closely as the doctor spoke. "You will get them out. Put Piotr Nikolayevich in charge of the bus." Logan made a face, and Nikolas corrected himself- "Colossus."
Nikolas hesitated before pressing a kiss to Logan's lips and letting go of his shoulder. "Be safe."
He pushed past Logan, barely giving the larger man a glance as he started down the hallway. He reached for the students minds, forcing them awake and informing them of the impending danger. Nikolas' power surged despite his exhausted state, unconsciously he counted the assailants, the number reaching a couple dozen and those were just the ones that had stepped foot in the school.
Nikolas made contact with Colossus the moment he body slammed a man holding a much to large gun for him to go after him weaponless. Speaking aloud made the words come across easier, his voice seemed to echo. "Piotr!" The man's mind was calm despite the intrusion. "I am sending you the location of a safe house. Go there. Do not leave until the Professor gets in contact."
The doctor threw a group of soldiers across the room with barely a flick of his wrist.
Piotr's reply was only a bare acknowledgement and as Nikolas pushed further into his mind to implement the memory he made the realization that the man was currently fighting a group of soldiers much like the ones that he was. Nikolas reacted on a whim, his mind breaking through Piotr's soldiers and knocking them out in the same moment he placed the memory.
Nikolas was forced back into his mind by a painful blow to his cheek.
He hit the hard wood floor painfully, his metal leg making it impossible to get his footing on the smooth wood. Nikolas looked up and despite how unsurprised he was to see a gun pointed at his head it did not stop his panic.
Nikolas reacted irrationally, throwing all the force that he could into the blow, he shoved the soldier through three walls before dropping his hold on him.