அ Chapter Eighteen அ

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When people come to clip your wings-

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When people come to clip your wings-

Logan could not figure out the young Doctor no matter how much he wanted to.

It had been years, a good fifty or so, since Logan had felt anything for another man and suddenly this short and scrawny genius doctor comes stumbling into his life and he's head over heels for him.

Though, Logan would not so easily admit it.

The Professor had been telling the truth that it had been Logan to find Nikolas on the edge of the trees just over two months ago. Though it had been an accidental discovery. When Logan left the school nearly a year before he had taken Scott's motorcycle and the damn thing ran out of gas just ten miles from the school. Logan had pulled over, covered the bike, and continued on foot.

There had still been snow on the ground and it crunched audibly under his boots as he walked.

Finding Nikolas had been an accident. 

Logan had stepped just inside the trees to avoid a passing police car and caught the smell of blood on the air, the smell all to similar to that of a dead bird, he had almost continued on without stopping but a nagging feeling in his mind told him to follow his nose. It wasn't until the Jean shared about Nikolas' powers did Logan realize that that nagging feeling was Nikolas projecting for help.

Logan did not find Nikolas right away, but rather found a pool of still warm blood melting the snow beneath a large sycamore tree. It was only when Logan looked up did he see the doctor dangling from said tree twenty feet above the ground.

It took him no time to scale the tree and press his hands to the man's pulse point, entirely unsurprised at how cold his skin was. Nikolas had blood pooling from his nose and without even considering it, Logan pulled him carefully from the tree and laid him on the ground, unconsciously aware of his wings.

Logan can remember considering what to do for a long time, his hands working carefully to check him for injuries, only vaguely aware of the blue mist that seemed to gather around the doctor. 

Deciding to bring him to the school had not been his decision.

Nikolas woke up briefly. He flung himself into a seated position, looking at Logan with terrified eyes that held so much more age in them than he looked. Nikolas had reached for his head immediately, his fingertips just barely connecting with Logan's temple and projecting a memory of the Xavier's school in his mind before immediately passing out.

Logan had acted quickly. He gathered Nikolas' in his arms, with extra attention paid to the badly damaged black wings that hung from his back, and started running as fast as he could.

Nikolas had started projecting the moment Logan touched him, all the fear and pain that he was feeling almost overwhelmed the mutant.

The Professor met them at the door, ushering Logan inside with a hand to his temple and an echoing voice throughout the school. Jean had met them in the lab minutes later, working on Nikolas with a faint tearful expression. Logan remembered being grilled about what had happened, but all he could focus on was the delicate curve of Nikolas' waist and the deep concern at seeing the prosthetic limb that was his left leg.

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