அ Chapter Nineteen அ

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And knock the wind right our your lungs

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And knock the wind right our your lungs.

Logan forced a smile, though he was almost sure that it came off as more of a grimace than anything else. Nikolas was selfless, destructively so and based off of how he had curled into himself he could see the error of this destructiveness.

This young man, who held the world in his hands and centuries in his eyes dedicated everything to those around him. Focusing on their care rather than his own and the fact that Logan had not caught onto that prior to this moment frustrated the larger man. It had been obvious in the way that he had sought out Rogue only minutes after coming out of his dissociative state after a large use of his mutations.

Logan reached across what felt like an expanse between him and the smaller man, he paused just before touching Nikolas. He considered briefly every other time he had seen those at the school interact with Nikolas, he turned his hand over, palm up, fingers splayed. It gave Nikolas the opportunity to accept or deny the physical contact, rather than forcing it on him.

Nikolas consider Logan's hand for less than a minute before tipping towards him.

He yawned the moment his head touched Logan's shoulder, seeking the warmth that the larger man provided with little consideration for if Logan was up to this much physical touch.

"Go to sleep Doc," Logan mumbled it, his hands intentional as they pressed into Nikolas and moved him so that he was laying on his back. The doctor was unnaturally pliable under Logan's hands, his eyes already falling shut as he set his head onto the pillow.

Nikolas wanted more than anything to protest, but he could feel the tired feeling pressing at the base of his skull. If he was not careful he would start projecting this tired feeling onto everyone in the school, though a glance to the clock says that maybe it would not be protested. Logan looked entirely unsure and the idea of the confident man being anything but that made Nikolas smile.

He stretched a hand to Logan, his palm resting on the larger man's cheek. The stubble of his beard scratching at his palm in a sensory pleasant way. Nikolas wanted to say something more to Logan. To insist that he was alright and to push for a further interaction between him and the larger man, but he knew that he was tired.

Logan leaned into Nikolas' palm, pressing a kiss to his palm without considering his actions.

Nikolas froze and Logan looked at him in response.

The Doctor knew there was affection present in the room. It was nearly overwhelming, the sheer amount of attachment coming from Logan, and at first Nikolas had done all he could do to ignore it, solely out of fear that it was superficial.

But here Logan was, sitting beside Nikolas without care for his own comfort, his attention focused solely on caring for the smaller man in this moment.

When Logan started to lean forward, Nikolas didn't lean away.

Logan set his left hand just beside Nikolas' head, using it as an anchor point as he hovered just over him. His eyes focused on the doctor's eyes, seeking any form of protest as he brought his head lower.

When Logan's lips met Nikolas' he felt as though everything was alright with the world.

Nikolas reacted positively, his hands lifting from where they had sat beside him on the bed and settling onto the larger man's waist. He could feel the powerful shifting of Logan's muscles just below the skin and the idea of the sheer physical strength that Logan held made Nikolas smile into the kiss.

Logan pulled away, holding himself above Nikolas with little effort. He was smiling, a faint twist of the lips that showed more in his eyes than anywhere else. More than anything Nikolas wanted him to kiss him again.

"God Nikolas." There was more that Logan wanted to say, he wanted to detail everything running through his head, share every thought effortlessly and have Nikolas melting in his arms at his smooth words.

Nikolas just smiled, running his hands up Logan's stomach and back and down his arms that currently help the larger man over his head. He yawned without meaning to, his entire body tensing as he did. Nikolas' hand flapped just beside his head, his fingertips brushing against Logan with the movement. The larger man smiled in response to the action, and without thinking about it Nikolas squeaked.

The excitement and happiness that he was feeling in this moment overwhelming enough to earn a verbal response from the smaller man. Nikolas dropped his hands immediately after, covering his face as the embarrassment took over.

But Logan thought the sound was wonderful, a soft sound that fit Nikolas more than anything else. The Professor had briefly mentioned that for Nikolas, excitement and happiness showed in a physical way and that while emotions were difficult for him to explain he could convey them through movements better than anything else.

Logan leaned down again, pressing a kiss to the hands covering Nikolas' face before he pushed himself into a seated position.

"You missed." Nikolas' voice was muffled but Logan understood the words.

He laughed, a soft laugh that seemed to fill the room with warmth. Logan set his hand on Nikolas' stomach. "I don't think I did."

Nikolas' response was instant, his voice flat and toneless as he repeated Logan's words to him. "I do not think I did." He was smiling, though he still covered his eyes with his hands.

Logan turned away from Nikolas, taking in a deep breath as an effort to calm himself down. He could feel Nikolas' heart beating faintly under his palm, his breathing moving Logan's hand up and down at a consistent pace.

When his breath stumbled the first time, Logan thought nothing of it.

When Nikolas' breath caught the second time, Logan turned to find his eyes wide open and a faint golden glow coming from each of them. "Nikolas?" Logan leaned forward again, looking at the smaller man out of curiosity more than anything else. It was obvious that this was some part of his mutation, but Nikolas looked entirely out of it.


Logan hesitated before touching him, his fingertips brushing across Nikolas' jaw tentatively. The touch worked and less than a second later the bright color of the smaller man's eyes faded only to be replaced with a panicked look.

"The school is under attack." Nikolas' voice still lacked the man's usual tone.

Logan opened his mouth to protest, to insist that the doctor had simply imagined it and that the students were alright-

And then the window shattered.

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