Endeavour Nikolas Stark is perfectly fine as is.
As a child he had been extraordinary, finding a home among the friendliest of people at Charles Xavier's School For the Gifted, and finding himself Gifted in many ways just beyond the X-Gene in his DN...
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The river styx is a river of stone.
"Neanderthals." Storm's voice was clear as she spoke, her hands motioning to the stuffed figures behind her as all of the students watched on. Out of context it felt like an insult.
Nikolas frowned as she continued, different consciouses pressed at the edges of his mind without intentions in a way that brought frustration. He rolled his shoulders, attempting to focus on Storm's words.
"We once believed that they were wiped out by years of conflict with a much more advanced branch of humanity called Cro-Magnon man." She crossed back and forth in front of the students, her eyes glancing over Nikolas as she did.
He could feel her concern.
It came off the white haired woman in waves and despite this feeling, the Doctor turned away, stepping around the students and moving towards the back of the room in an attempt to find some peace and quiet. The faint sound of Storm chastising one of the students broke his concentration temporarily.
Nikolas' steps faltered, his left catching briefly on the bend in the walkway.
"Nikolas," Logan reached out like he was going to touch the doctor's shoulder, he hesitated. "Where are you going?"
"The cafeteria, some students are there unwatched." Nikolas shrugged as he said it, they were not in any danger in this moment, just unwatched by adults who know them. He avoided looking directly at Logan, a side effect of the night before. They hadn't spoken about it and more than anything Nikolas did not want to speak about it.
Logan nods, his hand moving to rub at the back of his neck. "We should probably talk about that dream you had last night Doc, or maybe you could talk to the Professor. He could-"
"He can't." Nikolas shook his head firmly, his hands flapping at his sides as he took in a deep breath. Something felt off about the air and he frowned. "Somethings wrong." The machines around him started to react, though not to him.
He took a step forward, his left knee shuddering at the unexpected weight in a way that it should not have done. Something held it in its spot on the floor, the toes pressing into the carpet with too much strength.
Jean. Nikolas reached out mentally, pressing into the woman's still fragile mind with a delicate touch. You need to take a deep breath and let go of my leg.
Nikolas had never seen her act in such a powerful way, but the moment he spoke his request his leg lifted from the ground. He tipped forward as he had been carelessly leaning in an attempt to put his leg free, in this moment he used his gifts without concern, catching himself in the air with a slight extension of his littlest finger.
"You alright Doc?" Logan was still there, his presence welcoming in a way he had not expected.
Nikolas hummed a yes, his mind was already forming a path to Jean. He spoke in Logan's mind without thinking about it, "I am going to Jean." He could feel the man's shock as he walked away, his leg feeling lighter than it had ever felt before.
The red headed woman was in the Garden room with a group of the younger students, their attention focused so specifically on the butterflies that flew around the room. Nikolas paused at the doorway briefly, a faint smile on his face as he watched the tiny humans dance around the room in time with the butterflies. It brought him joy, to see young mutants so carefree.
Nikolas' voice didn't comply as he approached Jean, but she seemed to understand.
She smiled, waving him off as he came to stop within a foot of her. "I'm alright, I just- I got overwhelmed." She shrugged, but Nikolas could tell that there was something more to this situation.
He barely tilted his head to the side, his hand moving back and forth at his side as he waited for her to continue.
"Oh, alright-" Jean shook her head, "Its happening a lot more Nikolas. It worries me."
The young doctor could understand the concern.
He and Jean had known each other for a long time. For Nikolas, she had been there throughout most of his childhood, though she had been only fifteen when he first came to the school. Jean was the first of the mutants to embrace Nikolas and his gifts even when he had little to no control, solely because she did not fear his lack of control.
Jean Grey had full control of her powers from a young age and the knowledge that her grip on the gifts was waning now was nearly concerning.
Nikolas reached forward, initiating contact with her in a way that he had never done. His fingertips just barely brushed over the bare skin of her forearm. The doctor's eyes fell shut. He worked mentally, sorting the voices and stimuli into boxes in Jean's mind in the way that had always worked the best for him.
When Nikolas opened his eyes and removed his hand, Jean audibly sighed. Her shoulders relaxed, all tension leaving her body in the best way.
"Oh gosh-" She smiled, "Thank you Nikolas."
"It will help." Nikolas' voice is impossible small when he speaks again, he steps closer to her, closing the distance and speaking lowly as he glanced around the room. "Do you see the future?"
Jean's brow furrowed, "No." She considered it, "I can tell what will happen sometimes, but that is only because I can see what people are planning-" Her fingertips tapped her temples as she trailed off.
Nikolas nods, moving to turn away.
"Can you?"
It is a question he was not ready to answer but fully expected. "I can." Nikolas does not hesitate in replying. A memory accompanies his words, one that he pushes to Jean without thinking of the consequences. It was a simple one, a vision of Logan holding up a tired and legless Nikolas.
He flinches away from her touch when Jean reaches to comfort him.
"Talk to the Professor." She sounds apologetic as she says it. "He can help."
Nikolas is fully aware of this fact, but Charles has a tendency to approach everything cautiously. If Nikolas is still developing powers Charles will want to keep a close eye on him, a close eye that would not have allowed him a trip to the museum to see young mutants dance with butterflies.
When Nikolas replies, his eyes are focusing on the butterflies that float through the air. He radiates a calm energy that sets the world at peace.