Endeavour Nikolas Stark is perfectly fine as is.
As a child he had been extraordinary, finding a home among the friendliest of people at Charles Xavier's School For the Gifted, and finding himself Gifted in many ways just beyond the X-Gene in his DN...
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He is never early, always late.
Two months later.
Everything was too loud, it was the first thing that Nikolas noticed when he shifted in the bed he was laying in.
The second was the fact that he was laying in a bed in general.
His gifts felt impossible far away and as the Doctor opened his eyes slowly, he basked in the fact that the lights in the room were off, only until he realized that he was not in a room that was familiar. He sat up, pushing away the pain that rippled through him and flinching away the moment he locked eyes with the person in the chair.
"Woah, hey- hey there." His voice was too loud and Nikolas whined loudly, shoving his hands into his ears as the kid tried to approach. "Rogue go and get X."
Nikolas moved away from the teen, his hands brushing the edge of the bed as he shoved himself to his feet.
He wobbled almost immediately, but successfully kept both his prosthesis and real leg under him with the help of his wings. They ached, pointed pain that echoed with every slight shift of the feathers. The kid attempted to walk closer and Nikolas lifted his hands at the same time he did in an attempt to get him to stop.
"Wow- wow okay." The kid still spoke too loud, his eyes were trained on the tall dark wings and it was obvious that the sheer size of them made the kid pause. "My name is Bobby and you're safe here. I promise-"
"No." Nikolas shook his head, interrupting the kid with a sharp frown. Bobby lifted his hands a little higher and in response the temperature in the room dropped a couple of degrees.
Bobby sighed, "I really don't want to ice you Doc-"
Nikolas moved first, lifting his left hand and throwing the kid across the room with an easy gesture, moving towards the door to leave.
He felt a stab of pain in his residual limb with every step that he took, his heel clunking loudly as he moved. Nikolas attempted to keep his wings close to his back but his sharp movements kept knocking the dark feathers into different doorways and walls.
"Wait stop!" It was Bobby again, Nikolas could barely hear the kid.
The Doctor paused, his breath coming out in loud pants as he looked over to the sunlight coming in from the far side of the hallway.
Nikolas turned towards it immediately, picking up the pace and lifting his wings in a few small strokes, he easily could have screamed from the amount of pain that the simple movement caused him.
When he burst through the balcony doors it was to a gust of cold wind and shattering glass. Nikolas dove off of the balcony, extending his wings and entirely unsurprised when they didn't catch the wind properly.
He fell, just like how he had when he was a child.
The only difference now was that Nikolas was fully capable of maneuvering well enough to not injured himself further.
Nikolas tucked his wings to his back the moment his feet brushed the ground, rolling feet over head and landing in a crouched position. He scanned the area around him, his eyes searching for anyone who looked familiar to him.
A hand touched his shoulder and Nikolas darted, only stumbling slightly as he did. The hand didn't lift off of his shoulder.
"Alright stop-" It was a deep voice with an accent that Nikolas couldn't place. "You gotta stop Bub."
Nikolas turned, launching himself at the man without hesitation, his elbow hooking underneath the taller man's chin and holding tightly. He felt as though he would scream from the textures touching him and without hesitation put pressure into the hold.
The man under him made a poor attempt at bucking him off, Nikolas' flooded the touch with an overwhelming amount of mental stimulation, the same kind that would shut the doctor down. The man under him yelled and Nikolas dropped from his shoulders, his hands reaching up to cover his ears in response to the sound.
Nikolas rolled, his wings digging into the ground as he did. His attempt to get back onto his feet had been unsuccessful, his prosthesis slipping out from underneath him in the dew covered grass.
The man that he had previously had a hold on pointed his hands in his direction, knives pushing free of the skin there. He had a threatening look in his eyes. "You need to calm down. The Professor's on his way out and-"
"Charles?" Nikolas' voice was firm but curious, he relaxed completely, though his hand did reach for his wrist. The man missed the movement and Nikolas felt his fingertips dip into the tattoo.
"Endeavour Stark- if you use that sword of yours on my good friend Logan I will not hesitate to put you on your ass."
Nikolas hesitated at the language, retracting his fingertips from the tattoo and dropping his eyes from the man, Logan's, forehead to instead look over his shoulder.
"Charles." Nikolas relaxed the moment he said it, a bright smile on his face as he struggled to turn himself over and onto his feet. He could barely make out the man shifting from behind him, his only focus on reaching the Professor in front of him.
Charles Xavier smiled at him, rolling forward in his wheelchair and reaching out with an open palm towards the young man in front of him. Nikolas hesitated before accepting the hand and smiling in reply. "How are you feeling Doctor?" Charles could easily prod at the smaller man's mind and find what he was looking for, but he respected the doctor more than that.
"Hurts." Nikolas' verbal capabilities were limited to some extent, especially given the events of what had brought him here.
"Jean wants to check on you," Charles released Nikolas' hand, moving it to the handle of the armchair. He turns, looking over his shoulder as the Doctor glanced back towards Logan. "Come on Nikolas."
Charles hesitated when Nikolas turned back to him, he looked pale and unsure, his wings dropping low on his back. "Logan you will have to catch him." The moment Charles finished his sentence the Doctor's eyes rolled into the back of his head, his body tipping backwards.
Logan moved on impulse, catching the doctor with ease.
Authors Note:
This is the young Charles Xavier played by James McAvoy.