அ Chapter Two அ

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Times being what they are, dark and getting darker all the time

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Times being what they are, dark and getting darker all the time.

Six Days Ago

It was Tony Starks fault that he was late. His son had reminded him on multiple occasions exactly when their flight was taking off, but this did not change the fact that he had been too distracted in his tinkering to actually remember when to leave.

He spent the twenty-minutes that it took to leave the house convincing his son to join him on the trip, which had been successful despite his son's hate of flying.

And when they arrived on Bagram Air Base, it was to an expected scene. Nikolas stayed specifically behind him after taking his time packing away his headphones into the top of his backpack and pulling it over his shoulders. Nikolas was sure to place his glasses on his face before stepping out into the sun.

Tony Stark was used to this scene. The soldiers marching around and doing whatever it is that they were suppose to be doing.

His long time friend James Rhodes stood at the bottom of the stairs, a professional look on his face and a bright excited look in his eyes that was meant for just the Starks. Tony held his hand out, accepting the professional handshake of a military man rather than the hug that he had been wanting.

The sounds of planes taking off and landing were jarring and at a distance, Tony glanced over his shoulder to be sure that Nikolas was still following.

The younger man looked dazed though it was not his first time on a base, it was his first one of such a size. He found the air to be hot and sticky and almost regretted wearing his long sleeve shirt, though his fear of being sunburned much outweighed the discomfort of the long sleeves.

It took the Doctor twelve steps to reach the flat runway, greeting his Uncle Rhodey with a smile before letting his eyes bounce from the soldiers to the trucks to the weapons that he had designed.

Seeing them so close to use had nearly been a distraction from everything else.

When his dad spoke, it was with a clear voice. "General." Tony's voice had a hint of a smile to it. He extended his hand to the man and clapped the other on top, the noise jarring his son into concentrating on the task at hand. "Thank you for the welcome."

Nikolas finds his voice just below the surface of his lips, he does not use it yet. Instead, he observes the way that the General grimaces, most likely because of how long it had taken Tony Stark to arrive and the fact that he had brought along Nikolas, when the previous invitation had just been for the older Stark.

"Mr. Stark, welcome to Bagram Air Base." The General's look changed drastically, the grimace disappearing in such a way that if not for the improbability of it the doctor would have assumed he had imagined it. "Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes, it's good to see you again."

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