அ Chapter Twenty-One அ

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And for a moment, I forget, just how cold and dark it gets

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And for a moment, I forget, just how cold and dark it gets.

"For thirty years I've been holding you up!" Obadiah's voice came through his suit deeper than his usual voice, the sound jarring to Tony from inside his suit. He braced himself as his old mentor lifted him above his head, his grip tight on his legs and chest. "I built this company from nothing!"

Tony yelped as Obadiah slammed him into the ground just before kicking him like a football across the roof of Stark International.

"Nothing is going to stand in my way, least of all you-" He shot a much to large missile that the Older Stark found himself fully capable of dodging without much difficulty, "And that kid of yours!"

At the mention of Nikolas, the inside glass of the suit finally stopped spinning. "Sir, Nikolas has been located." The confirmation meant the world to Tony, but in this moment, all he could think about was getting away from the man currently trying to kill him.

"Put everything in the thrusters, let's see if he can fly." Tony groaned as he said it, pushing himself to his feet and swaying slightly just before take off.

"ImpressiveYou've upgraded your armor." Obadiah did not sound impressed. "I've made a few upgrades of my own."

But Tony had already figured out what was going to happen, and what he was going to do. The main concern was Nikolas and so, as he flew directly up, he redialed Pepper, only vaguely aware of the lumbering form of Obadiah as he tottered ten feet below him in an attempt of catching up.

"Pep!" Tony smiled in success at the fact that the woman had decided to pick up the phone. "Pepper, you need to find Nikolas. Now."

It was said with little room for debate, the woman made a noise of confirmation just as the power inside the suit dropped to 19%. He would not be able to continue on like this. The suit would give out or maybe his heart would first, there was little room for error in a moment like this.

Pepper stayed on the line, her sharp breaths as she ran a comforting sound in Tony's ear as he insisted the suit take him to maximum altitude. 

He had more time to think than what he would have liked. Something about the feeling of the air thinning and the looming threat below his feet still gave him the chance to think about Nikolas, Pepper had yet to confirm or deny and Jarvis had no insights to the doctors location.

"Thirteen percent power sir." Jarvis' voice startled the flying man, he ignored the A.I. in favor of pushing the suit further.

A hand gripped his left ankle, crushing the jet boot in a vice like grip. Tony pushed further, making no move to shake off the hand despite the fact that he could feel the metal breaking the skin. He tried not to react verbally, he did not want to make Pepper panic.

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