அ Chapter Twenty அ

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Wait for me, I am coming

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Wait for me, I am coming.

It took Jarvis seven minutes to turn back on, but at that point, Tony Stark had made it the distance from the couch upstairs to the workroom on the bottom floor.

The trip had only been successful because of Tony's insistence on getting revenge on Obadiah. It took him two minutes to gain enough control over his body to move again, though he had to practically throw himself around to move. He took a tumble down the stairs and was lucky to not have injured himself beyond bumps and scrapes.

And then Tony was rather happy for the fact that Nikolas had insisted on cleaning up the glass from the broken windows, as the army crawl that he found necessary to move into the work room would have injured him significantly if the glass had been there.

The thought of Nikolas pushed him to work harder, he crawled along the floor before loosing all energy and stamina in him just as he reached up to grab the glass box he needed.

When Tony fell to the floor for the final time, his skin pale and sweating, he though that that would be the end.

That the great Tony Stark, father of Endeavour, would end sweating and shaking on the floor of his own workspace, inches away from the device that could of saved his life. And in that moment, his only regret was not protecting Nikolas from Obadiah.

The young doctor had expressed his displeasure in Stane for the past few years, but Tony had thought nothing of it.

And if he had the chance, he would promise to always trust his son.

A whirring sound came from over his shoulder. Tony had barely the energy to lift his head, but the moment he did it was to Dum-E, and Tony would have smiled if he could. The robot held the glass box in his spindly pinchers.

"Good Dum-E." Tony reached for the box, taking it into weak hands and turning over his shoulder to smash it into the concrete beside him.

It took barely a minute for him to put the old arc reactor into his chest, the decorate stand that Pepper had displayed it on took the brunt of the damage.

Tony sighed in relief the moment he felt the connection start back up. The pain in his chest slowly began to fade away, just as Jarvis spoke over the intercoms.

"Sir?" Tony couldn't form a reply. "Colonel Rhodes is at the front door, I am letting him in now." The A.I.'s personality was missing from the words but Tony found himself nodding nonetheless.

He just need to get on his feet, and then it would be okay.

But the floor was just so comfortable.

"Tony!" Rhodey's voice echoed from upstairs. The Stark on the floor groaned, the sound barely loud enough for his own ears, let alone his military friend upstairs. "Tony!" He was closer now.

"Tony!" Closer still.

A hand touched his shoulder, turning him over and lifting him to face the panicked eyes of his oldest friend. "Where's Nikolas? And Pepper?" It was his first thought.

Rhodey blinked, his eyes flitting down to the torn hole in Tony's shirt before looking him back in the eyes. "She's fine. She's with five agents. They're about to arrest Obadiah."

"That's not going to be enough." Tony noticed the glance, grunting a bit as his friend pulled him to sit up. "And Nikolas?"

Rhodey looked guilty. "I don't know Tony."

"Get me up." Tony said it firmly, holding his shaking hand out to Rhodey and looking at him expectantly. "Now!" He raised his voice, something he did not do often.

The Colonel looked hesitant but pulled Tony to his feet, a steadying hand on his forearm to be sure he didn't fall over instantly. "What are you gonna do Tony?"

Tony pulled free from his hands, stalking across the room like a man on a mission he pulled off his shirt, revealing a black form fitting long-sleeve undershirt that matched his pants. Rhodey watched closely as metal arms pulled free from the floor, sticking metal to the front and back of Tony in a specifically designed way.

"That is the coolest thing I've ever seen," Rhodey laughed as he said it, crossing the room to get a better angle.

Tony smiled, "Not bad huh?" He stepped free of the rings, the last few pieces settling into place as he stood tall in front of Rhodes.

Rhodey clapped his hands, glancing around the workspace in a sort of frazzled way. "You need me to do anything else?"

The older Stark hesitated for a moment, "Keep the skies clear." He bent at the waist, the suit whirling in response as he picked up a metal and glass circlet. He put it carefully into a compartment on his thigh, though some part of him said he wouldn't need it.

He took off in a flash, the suit working just as Nikolas had designed it to.

Tony spoke again the moment he was on his way to Stark International, his words directed at Jarvis as he noted the setting sun. "How do you think the Mark One chest piece is going to hold up?"

The A.I. took a concerning amount of time to reply. "Doctor Stark did not design it for sustained flight. It is at 48% power and falling."

Some part of him thought 'not bad.' Tony nodded as he continued on, the shape of his companies property coming into his line of sight. "Keep me posted." He took a moment to look around all the sights from a distance, Jarvis instantly complied with binocular vision. Tony asked a question that he wasn't sure if he wanted to know the answer to.

"Do you see him?"

A loading circle starts spinning in the bottom corner of the internal mask and Tony tried not to hold his breath as it spun. His eyes finding Pepper just outside of the arc reactor warehouse, he dialed her number, the percentage of power in the suit jumped down to 40%.


She looked up to the sky as she answered the call, her voice coming through the line in a panicked tone. "Tony! Tony are you okay?"

The older Stark nodded despite the fact that Pepper couldn't see him. She continued on.

"Oh god Obadiah- he's gone insane! He built a suit-" Her words were cut off by her loud scream.

Tony looks down just as he burst through the concrete. 

And if not for the fear that he found in this moment at the idea of either Nikolas or Pepper being injured, he would have thought more about the suit. Maybe even filled it away for later building, but in this moment all he could think about was how to goad the man into the sky.

His power dropped to 23%.

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