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br00klyn.n0rth posted

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liked by drewstarkey and 6,198 others

br00klyn.n0rth send help, my brother is forcing me to be social


madisonbeer rip

austinnorth55 oh shut up you'll live

madelyncline don't worry we can suffer together

I swung my distressed, oversized jean jacket around me and slid it onto my arms, fixing the collar in the bathroom mirror.

"You ready Lynnie?" Austin yelled from the living room. I cringed at the nickname, he had called me it since we were kids but I still hated it.

"Coming!" I called flicking off the light switch and walking towards the living room, my purse hanging off my shoulder.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we headed out the door.

"A sea food restaurant that Chase found," he explained.

"Who the hell is Chase?" I questioned with my arms over my chest as he locked the door.

"He plays the main character of the show, you'll meet him at dinner," Austin said turning to me as the door behind us opened to reveal Drew. I rolled my eyes.

"Hey man!" Austin cheered giving Drew a high five. Drew smiled and high-fived him back.

Okay he's got a nice smile.

"Ready for some grub?" Drew asked. My brother cheered and we started down the hallway. I followed behind the boys who chatted the whole time.

About a twenty minute walk later we were standing out front of the restaurant, it had giant shrimp on its sign that made me smile.

"North!" someone cheered as we turned the corner. I knew it was for my brother, not me, I didn't know anyone here.

I stoped and stood behind my brother, trying to avoid conversations. I pulled out my phone to text Madison.

to beer 🍻 from northie 🌬

northie 🌬
send help
i don't want to be here

beer 🍻
girl you'll be fine
just sit and observe
any cuties?

northie 🌬
or at least none i see yet
then again i don't wanna be here

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