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br00klyn.n0rth posted

liked by austinnorth55 and 8,892 others

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liked by austinnorth55 and 8,892 others

br00klyn.n0rth the photographer


drewstarkey don't mind me just capturing art
br00klyn.n0rth i think i caught the real art

fan27 they're so cute

hichasestokes omg my lover
br00klyn.n0rth hey back off

drewstarkey posted

liked by madelyncline and 16,289 others

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liked by madelyncline and 16,289 others

drewstarkey the photo


fan86 goals

br00klyn.n0rth i look good

madelyncline i want your girl drew
drewstarkey you can try but she's mine

I sat with my feet rested on the dashboard of the car, snacking on pringles while music blasted through the speakers of the car.

"B?" Drew asked, one hand on the wheel the other reaching for a chip.

"Mhm?" I asked placing a chip in my own mouth after handing him one.

"Do you know that you tap the beat to everything?" he started, "I've noticed it today, you find the beat and you've been tapping along to it with your finger tips"

I looked down at my hand that was rested on my leg, stoping it's movements.


"No it's cute," He smiled looking over at me, picking up my hand and weaving our fingers together then bringing them to his lips and placing a soft kiss on the back of my hand.

"Drew?" I asked just had he done a minute before.


"Love you," I smiled leaning over, my elbow on the center console, my head in my hand.

"Love you," he smiled quickly turning to give me a kiss.

drewstarkey posted a story

I was sitting in the passenger seat, reading a book as we drove through Arizona, almost to LA after three days

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I was sitting in the passenger seat, reading a book as we drove through Arizona, almost to LA after three days.

I looked over at Drew as one of my songs started to play. He started to tap along to the song on the steering wheel.

I started to giggle when he started to quietly singing along. I closed my book and grabbed my phone that had been sitting in the door.

"Somebody told me that you think," he yelled with a smiled glancing over at me as I held my phone recording him.

"I'm tryna make you jealous, jealous," he sang pointing at me, he was getting very into it, basically screaming along and dancing.

I knew he was being extra dramatic for the camera. I couldn't help but burst out laughing at him.

"Wow I'm so honored to meet one of my fans," I joked after his performance.

"It was an honor to perform in front of the one and only Brooklyn North," he laughed.

I put a caption on the video of Drew jamming to my song that read "my biggest fan" and posted to my instagram story.

About six hours later we were pulling up to Drew's apartment in LA. The sun was starting to set so we grabbed some food and brought in a few things from the car.

"I'm so happy you're here," I smiled with my head on Drew's shoulder, as I curled up next to him while we watched a movie.

"I'm excited to not be on the other side of the country," Drew chuckled turning to look at me.

"So I can do this whenever," Drew used his hand to bring my face to kiss, pressing his lips on mine.

I smiled, placing my hand on his chest, "Hell yeah you can!"

Even thought I knew I would be busy with music stuff and Drew would be busy doing stuff for the show before it came out, it was nice to know he was only twenty minutes away and not thousands of miles if I needed him.

I leaned in for another kiss.

"I have to get home, I have a shoot tomorrow," I sighed as we separated.

"Stay here," he pouted, his hand still holding my face, his thumb grazing my cheek.

"I have no clean clothes," I chuckled.

"Borrow mine," he shrugged.

"Drew," I sighed, "I have to go home"

"You have to drive me though," I laughed as I stood up off the couch.

"Milkshakes?" he asked standing up as I slid my shoes on.

"You're just trying to keep me longer," I looked over at him as I grabbed my bag off the counter.

"Can you blame me for trying?" he shrugged coming beside me to also slide on his own shoes.

"Did I say no?" I teased.

He laughed at me and grabbed his car keys from the hook by the door, "In-n-out?"

"It's on the way!" I smiled as we excited the apartment.

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